Saturday, 27 February 2010

The Call Every Mother Dreads.....

It has been a really tough week and somehow, some way I have come through it. I woke on Monday morning and had a bit of a 'head in the hands moment' ; i.e 'should I actually get out of bed this morning?'. Funny isn't it, how some days start like that and you just know that you should just retire gracefully and go back to bed. Ignoring the warnings in my heart, I duly put the face on, trotted to the doctors to have the normal amount of needles stuck in me, then the police station. Long story, just idiotic, territorial people who have no understanding of the law that love to leave badly miss spelt notes on my car for parking in 'their space'. Ho hum, just one of those things.

I was so glad to get home at about 2.30 pm and pondering a little nap. I decided against it as The Git was due home at four and changed into my 'scruffs'...fleece and black trousers, fur lined slippers, hair up in clip, glasses on end of nose. It was the first day back at school after half term. I had expected Josh and Dan to go on the bus but Dan turned up with his bike, Josh got on his and the last words I said to my son were 'Helmet'!

My land line rang at 15.56. My little boy crying on the end of the phone.

"Please come mummy, I have been knocked off my bike".

There is that moment in time when you hear words such as these, the roar of your heart fills your ears and the blood supply is strangely cut off from your legs. This was that exact moment in time.

Another voice.

"Hello my name is Mandy, I am so sorry but I just knocked your son off his bike".

I somehow managed to ask where she was and despite her insisting Josh was okay, I asked her to call her ambulance. I drove there very slowly, fearing that in my haste, I would knock an unnamed child off their bike! I arrived on the scene to find one very upset and shaken Community Staff Nurse (Mandy, who had inadvertently forgotten to tell me she was a nurse, when she rang) and one little boy limping and very happy to see me.

Dan and Josh had been 'taking the long way home' from school and had spotted a nice clear driveway. Their plan was to ride to the top of the drive, get some speed up and turn a sharp right to go up a hill without pedalling. Plan failed miserably as according to Josh he could not turn quick enough and free wheeled straight into the path of Mandy. I guess she did not stand a chance. Luckily she managed to stop, just as his wheels went under her car and he was thrown clear. Thank god for his helmet. I have to say thank you again to Kath for posting her pictures of her son Iain's wrecked helmet on FB last year because, I have NO DOUBT that his helmet saved his life. It was due to those pictures that I called my son 'Helmet' instead of 'Josh' every time he went out of the door for months and months, I literally drummed it into him.

Police and Ambulance arrive. Stupidly it is the same crew that picked me up when I shattered my elbow. Yeah.... and I was doing housework that day so in my scruffs again. Only difference being that they did not have to cut 'em off me this time round. I was so relieved to see them because I knew I could trust them. Josh had a lot of bad bruising and as I speak is still struggling with his leg which is badly swollen but thank you God, Allah, Buddha, Ganesh etc.... I have my beautiful boy back and intact, albeit a little shocked.

After checking him out, I put my arms around Mandy (who works for my Doctors surgery) and hugged her, telling her it was not her fault and not to worry, as I would be taking no further action. At that moment, another nurse arrived from her work to support her and started to question 'why the boys had been there in the first place?'. I was so shocked, I really did not take any notice of her but it seems that whilst not a witness to the accident, she had something to say.

The Ambulance crew were fantastic (yet again, thank you so much xx) and brought both boys and bikes home behind me (note, it is always good to write a thank you letter, which is how I got to know Ali, Paramedic, in the first place). The neighbours piled out and hugged me, rare in the place that I live but it was heartwarming.

Josh has been off school this week, I have burst into tears about five times a day since, but managed yesterday without any hysterical outbursts. So I guess we are both healing. I telephoned Mandy, asking how she was and very concerned for her welfare. All Mandy wanted to talk about was her scratch on her bonnet and her dent in her wing and how it would cost her £350 to repair. As my friend Marie would say, "there is nowt queer as folk"!

If Mandy wants to drop a bill then let her, she does not have access to this blog, but push me into a corner and watch me fight for my child, lets play! Suffice to say I rather hope common sense prevails.

Thank You for listening.

Muse xxx

Saturday, 20 February 2010

Are we Human or are we Borg?

I was on the phone with Mr S and we were lamenting the hideous range of programmes that we are expected to watch on a Saturday night. Actually, I rarely watch more than an hour a day and he might watch an hour a week, if that. I mentioned a programme called The Virtual Revolution and having just watched it, whilst thought provoking, I could have written the script. The content was basically how The Web is changing the way we think. This going to be a bit of a long one so get comfortable!

I helped my son to put some structure into his dissertation last week. Writing a dissertation used to involve lengthy stays at the local library, reading until you fell asleep on your desk and constant anxiety as you counted how many words you had written for the fifth time that day. Gaining a degree was quite an achievement and the D word hung over your head like a black cloud until you stopped going down the pub with your friends and applied yourself.

By helping my son, I realised that writing a dissertation today was as easy as putting the facts in the right order and adding a personal view point. I am sorry if this will upset those students among us but its true! The wealth of information available on The Web simplifies this process beyond all recognition. Will The Web make us lazier and more easily distracted? Will our children be able to actually read a book from cover to cover? Or is this just paranoia and a fear of the unknown?

Apparently South Korea is the most 'wired' country in the world, where Internet addiction is rife and addicted children are actually so far removed from reality that 20 per cent of those affected are hospitalised. However, South Korean children are also top of the league tables as far as education is concerned.

I wrote a blog last year entitled, 'Facebook, a Scary Premise'? I tried to explore the effect Social Networking sites were having on our relationships with others and our ability to socialise on a one to one basis. I must admit that at the time the whole concept of these sites set my teeth on edge. Now I have to hold my hands up and tell you that I am among the 350 million regular FB users and would cry if you took my account away from me. So whilst I lament the dumbing down of TV and I am a real bookworm, I have become much more accepting of what is fast becoming a normal way of communication with others. The age of Homo Interneticus is upon us (I can't take credit for that fab quote by the way)!

I seriously think we are a nation of voyeurs and the thrill of knowing what an old acquaintance is up to is almost impossible to resist. Think about sitting on the train at night and being able to see into strangers living rooms, discovering seventies wall paper or a big bloke wandering around in his shorts. We can't help it! We are a nation of Nosy Parker's. All FB does is breed this trait within us.

As for FB friends....are we actually stupid or sad enough to believe that everyone on our Wall is a friend? I suppose some do but I personally know or am acquainted with 90 per cent of my friends. I think the the word 'Friend' is a misnomer. It is time to think of some new words. Perhaps Apostle, Nosy Parker or Stalker would be more apt? You could grade your Nosy Parker's couldn't you. A plus would mean, always on FB, unable to switch off the computer and tells us when they go to the loo for a wee. D minus would mean, never picks up messages in their in box, has no picture and why can't I find out more about them !

Before I sign off I must mention how easy sites like FB make it to have an 'Affaire De Coeur'. An illicit, forbidden liaison. Of course moblie phones encouraged and bred insatiability among us all but FB and other sites make conducting this extracurricular activity pretty effortless. Does The Web devalue our relationships to the point where they become disposable?

We cannot stop the onward march of technology, it is better to embrace it and use it responsibly. Actions Do have Consequences, as long as we remember that we will hang on to our humanity and not become a collective.

Be kind to each other

Muse x

Friday, 19 February 2010

Girls Just Wanna Have Fun....

I am a mother...I adore being so, I am over 40, and that is pretty good at the moment but that is not the whole of me! I am also a woman. WHY???? Do my family think I should retire gracefully and never look at another man?

I had a 'Date' on Wednesday night with a gorgeous guy. I had met him for lunch a couple of weeks ago. Mr Hotelier was everything I wanted. Good looking, fun, a great conversationalist and a decent musician.

I arranged to meet him at his Hotel (right on the beach) and said I would find my own way as, unlike most women, I could map read. I had, had a bit of an early morning, having fun with The Princess Angelina and we enjoyed making cookies and home made chicken nuggets. I treated myself to a little siesta and prepared myself carefully for 'said date'.

I drove into Newquay and as time was short, had memorised the map, rather than printing it. I suppose I got within half a mile of his place and then became a victim of the Newquay one way system. I phoned him and he laughed at me, saying he would come and collect me. I was obviously a bit miffed at this and said I was not lost, just temporarily misplaced....fighting talk!

Whilst waiting for him my daughter rang me.

"Joshy wants to come home", she said.

My son had been staying with Ma and Pa over the school half term. Bloody typical, the one night that his mother wants to go out....etc...etc... Do children have a sixth sense about these things? As I was speaking to the daughter, Mr H arrives and opens my car door, asking if I am okay and what would I like to drink....perfect gentleman poise!

I, at this stage am thinking 'Dios Mios', do I actually have a private life?

My daughter then says (gleefully) "You are on a date aren't you Ma?" No point in denying it really! I drove behind Mr H for about three minutes and we arrived at his Hotel. He opens my car door, pulls my suitcase out and gives me a guided tour, showing me into a lovely room.

Mobile rings and it is The Mother Ship, it has taken the Daughter precisely three minutes to rat on me! I am so fed up!! Grrrr....

Right! She says...I am so not going to apologise for this! I had a wonderful evening......


He was utterly beautiful and such a gentleman. We went out for a couple of drinks. talked and talked. Had lots of flirty fun together.

I enjoyed him, he enjoyed me and we did not sleep that night, just spending time giving pleasure to each other. We had a lot of hot fun and I will see him again. He is such a gorgeous man....and we were cool together the next morning.

By the way I did not abandon The Git, I managed to pick him up at the station (albeit with wobbly legs) and he had had a great time but missed his 'Ma'!

Perhaps I am not such a bad Mother.....

I do have a life beyond my children, I am a person as well as a parent.

Have fun out there.

Muse x

Sunday, 14 February 2010

It's That Old Devil Called Love Again......

Back to the subject of St Valentine's Day. I was born a Romantic and have always thought I would live my life as one but as I walk through life I realise things are not always that simple.

As I said, Mr S and I were having our usual conversation/debate/him telling me to shut up/me shouting to get my point across...thing...phew! One point we both agreed on, was that Valentines day is now only defined by a disgusting commercial greed. Why???? Do you need one day of the year to appreciate and be loving with your partner of choice?

Note.... I have not Googled anything to do with St Valentines Day so this is from the heart, oh and pieces of the conversation between Mr S and I. I think, at one point, St Valentines Day was masked in fun and intrigue. A way of telling someone you were interested in them, expressing your intention (lewd or romantic) within an anonymous card. A thrill of excitement as you tried to fathom who the card, flowers, beautiful set of underwear was from, ummm yeah had a few myself! The terrific feeling as bouquets arrived in your office, envious eyes looking on. Sorry to be a Bah! Humbug but apparently florists sales are 50% down this year because the day falls on a Sunday. Hmmm...think of all those Mistresses, Secretaries etc... that are disappointed on this day.

St Valentines Day means nothing to the masses. Just a trip into town to buy a cheap bouquet, an awful tacky card. I drove into Truro today, the city was full of people clutching flowers, hearts and huge cards. They were of all ages, young, older, middle aged etc... What struck me was the amount of guys wandering around with frowns on their foreheads, with, complete confusion in their eyes as they viewed the huge displays of forlorn flowers and soppy sycophantic cards. I felt rather sorry for them and wanted to shout, for gods sake ignore the lot of it. Cook her dinner and kiss her will mean so much more. Oh and tell her every day that you appreciate her, not just this it will mean nothing.

This leads me neatly onto the 'I Love You' thing. It is not a difficult equation to get ladies...Love x Lust x Attraction x Respect x Give and Take = I Love You, S'agapo, Je T'aime, T'amo, Aloha Au Ia'oe.....

I do not believe in couples that say 'I Love You' to each other every day. It is just going through the motions. A passion, fire, respect, lust, truth, intimacy, enjoyment and delight of each other is the one and only truth.

Good night all you Lovers out there I am off to watch 9 and a half weeks......

Be Naughty

Muse x

You've Got That Look Again.....

Mr S and I were having one of our long conversations the other day. The subject rearing its impossibly complicated head was St Valentines Day. I was going to explore the subject of just 'who' St Valentine was but I am pretty sure that Mr S will do that true justice on his next blog. My thoughts are far more fleeting and romantic.

I suppose I was always a romantic, with a great love of poetry, especially Byron....nasty man that he was, he still managed to make my young heart soar with his words. And so...alas, a great fan of the romantic poets, I am a little lost and a bit of a cynic about the whole thing.

Let us go back a bit.... As a young woman, I was full of foot stamping tantrums unless I received the requisite amount of flowers/suitably soppy cards. All that changed on the 14th of February 1985 when a beautiful little girl called Sian came into my life. I was 21 years old and my daughter had the audacity and cheek to be born on St Valentines Day. What a wonderful day it was. She was polite enough to make her appearance before breakfast so that by lunchtime I had the requisite amount of flowers/suitably soppy cards! Happy Birthday my Gorgeous 25 year old girl!

My father wanted to call her Valentina, I refused, wanting to give her a Welsh name. Sian has grown into a strong independent woman, who I am so proud of. Not all of this is my own work, my mum and dad have been a huge force in her life. Thanks Ma and Pa, you did a great job. I will sign off now and explore more under this Blog as this is for Sian.

We love you Nin!

All my Love Mum xxx

Tuesday, 9 February 2010

Magic Carpet Days

Mr S, explored his early memories in his blog this week and I decided it was time to get off my bum and explore mine. I heard a song, by Ocean Colour Scene on Alex Lester's show two weeks ago (hence the title) and I had this idea for a Blog. The Git watches something called 'The Witches of Waverley Place' on Disney. It is a sickly sweet tale of kids with a moral to every story. A bit like the Famous Five I suppose...sounding grumpy now but how I wish.... The Git read as much as I did at that age. I had already been through all of Enid Blyton. C.S Lewis and J.R.R Tolkien. I finally started on Daphne Du Maurier in my 11th year. The Git was 12 on Sunday. I think his thing is technical books and not fiction. By the way my Beautiful Welsh Witch of a Grandmother lived in Waverley Place on the Island of Jersey. Funny That!

So, this Blog is about The Most 10 Wonderful Moments in my life.

My 10 Magic Carpet Days were thus....

(Erm... note Children's Births, etc... do not count...).

10. My dad putting me on his back (I was five) and swimming out to the reef in Famagusta, teaching me to snorkel and showing me the delights of the underwater world.

9. Being in Secondary school in Taunton (I hated it) and my mum soothing and supporting me and making sure I had a wonderful, warm, welcoming home.

8. Terribly excited at my Dads posting to Cyprus. Travelling home from Jersey with Dad and both of us packing up the house as it was short notice,

7. My first crush...not sure if it was Marc Tyley, Dutch Van Spall or James Brudenell!

6. Being a natural at waterski-ing and spending wonderful days at The Club. The smell of petrol as we got the boats out at 04.30. Gaining my Boat master qualification, teaching others to enjoy the blast. My first time on the slalom course, looking good and having so much fun.

5. Arriving in London. Finding a job at The Hilton and the fantastic social life that went with it. Dancing on a table at 'Witchety's on Ken High Street at 4 in the morning. Spending the whole weekend out with friends.

4. Flying into ASI. Meeting old friends and new. Climbing 30 feet up to The Maersk from a Rib. Re-fuelling a Tri-Star with the engines still running. Bar room brawling, running down Green Mountain, attending The Queens Birthday at The Residency, with 'Land of Hope and Glory' playing on the lawn.

3. Going to Spain to live there for a over a year and dragging 3 lovely kids with me and managing to speak the language. Yeah I was good at Spanish, but Spain wasn't the place for me. I am much happier with the Greeks.

2. Managing to keep The Git in Mainstream School. It has been a tough one but despite going through four Primary Schools in two years, we got there. Thank you Robartes!

1. Meeting lots of like minded people from my school days in September 2009 and having a wonderful time...thank you FB. Re-Connecting with our past is a huge thing, we were so nomadic and I adore being in touch with all of you.

It was difficult to pick these moments in time. There are many more in my life and many more to experience. Life is good. Be positive and embrace it.

Thursday, 4 February 2010

O' The Mouth of Babes....

Forgive me for being out of touch but I have had a few hiccups on The Git front. Suffice to say, I don't feel like talking about it!

I had a lovely lunch on Monday with an Hotel owner from Newquay. We were right on the cliffs in a lovely restaurant, overlooking the bay. Drinks beside an open fire, good company and a fun, flirty lunch followed, with fine food and lots of smiles. I will definitely see him again.

I picked The Git up from school, along with his two little mates, Dan and Ryan.

"You look nice mum" said The Git, "Where have you been"

"I've been to Newquay for a lunch date", I replied.

The Git turned to his mates in the back and explained, with some authority, that his mother goes on dates with men she 'collects' on the Internet. I narrowly avoided running down a lollipop lady at that point.

"Actually darling, I had lunch with a very nice man, who lives in Newquay but I don't 'collect' people, that is just wrong" I said, trying to keep the panic out of my voice.

Voice from the back pipes up....

"Did you snog him", said Dan

"Erm, yes I gave him a kiss" (Now trying to keep car in straight line).

"No, did you snog him mum?", said The Git.

"Did you do tongues?" said Ryan.

Deep breath. "There is nothing wrong with a kiss." I sniffed, frostily.

"Ah yes", said Ryan, "We did sex education last week".

Foot on brake, I pulled over. Gathered my thoughts and tried to call their bluff.

"Oh yes" I said, imperiously, "so what follows kissing?"

"FOREPLAY" they all shouted delightedly.

Beetroot red, I pulled away and changed the subject.

Moral of story, NEVER tangle with three 11 year old boys.....