Sunday, 14 November 2010

Under My Duvet

At last! I am back on line after a long argument with those bastards of Sky TV aka slowest broadband and crappiest phone service in the world. I have to say though that I cracked first and caved in as I could no longer stand talking to myself.

Honestly,  I have spent nearly four weeks muttering to myself under the Duvet. I had no outlet you see and there are only so many conversations you can have with a 12 year old. It isn't that I am 'Johnny No Mates', merely that in this busy world you rarely get the chance to have a totally random conversation. The other night I was so bored that I was laying in bed (under the duvet) with The Gits ipod stuck in my ears singing quietly, or so I thought, to Ellen Miller, this was after scrolling through loads of Michael Jackson stuff. It was about 2 am and I had left it too late to take a sleeping pill. I opened my eyes to find a very cross 12 year old at the the foot of my bed. 'Give up the ipod now' he growled, holding out his hand. 'Now for gods sake go to sleep and don't ever sing again, even it is just to yourself'. With that he stomped back off to bed. Oops, bad mummy!

I thought I was going quite mad. Talking to myself, answering myself and even debating with myself. It struck me how much Blogging had become part of my daily life. Even if I don't post, I usually draft something. There again, I hear you ask, isn't Blogging the worst form of vanity publishing? Isn't it just for nutters who just can't shut up? The answer my friends is an emphatic NO! If I am honest, I had thought about axing Donut Child before my accidental break. I felt it was too nice, too preachy and some of the early posts gave me so much angst, I nearly gave up entirely.  I sit here tonight, proud of my achievement and happy that I persevered.

If you are programmed with an English rather than a Math brain then you should Blog. It is cathartic, soothing, amazing and gives so much satisfaction for no cost. You don't have to publish it, you can keep it locked and private. As for reading it back, then that really is the fun part. I don't mean recent posts, I mean something that you wrote a year ago. Satisfyingly, we now have a little thing called the World Wide Web which means....ha! ha !!!, you can SHARE!  Reading personal Blogs is a bit like watching Coronation Street, you can always change the channel if you don't like it.  Every single person that comments on this Blog, be it via FB or email, likes it and enjoys the theme. I had not realised this until this month, so thank you to all of you that have contacted me asking 'Where is Donut Child?'

Anyway as well as having a rant at the great god SKY, I want to talk about those Facebook Posts that you are supposed to 'Copy and Past' to your status. Some of then are okay but others just stink. They are the modern day equivalent of the 'chain letter' and I hate the insidious little blighters. Are we all Sheep?? If your mate jumped off a cliff into shark infested custard, would you? Facebook was created for people air their opinions, not for people to  wander around repeating stuff like the Moonies.  If someone posts an opinion then react to it , in your own words, don't just paste it. Are you a brainless moron? Can you think for yourself? Doesn't look like it to me. The ones that really get my back up are those of the 'Do you have the guts to paste this on your status' ilk.

I got into a bit of a row on FB (via my phone) last week and it taught me a lesson. Assume nothing, expect the unexpected. An acquaintance posted a Copy and Paste on his wall about the lack of funds for the British Serviceman. This is a subject I am passionate about and have long campaigned for better kit for our Forces but HIS friends did not know that. I said that I had my own views on the subject and wasn't interested in being a sheep. I was verbally attacked by three ex forces guys. One of whom went into a racist rant about Terrorists in the UK. I could not leave it there. Some of the stuff he said was so shocking. When I tried to explain that bigoted remarks wasn't the best way to go about tackling terrorism he went into orbit and I honestly thought he was going to track me down, put me up against a wall and shoot me. I had the last word though, when I asked him if he knew quite how small the Human Gene Pool actually was and his 10 times removed great granddaddy was probably a Persian Goat Herder! He didn't like that one bit and limped off to lick his wounds....

I guess what I am ranting about is the power of words. Post your own thoughts. encourage debate and however passionate/misguided/safe/liberal/stupid or thoughtful your views are, they deserve to be heard. So stop bleating and banish those bloody awful copy and paste, 'Cop Outs'.!


Muse xx