The Git has been in Wales over half term with extended family . Firstly, he returned in someone elses body. I asked him where he had Sunday lunch. ' I had it at Auntie Jacqueline's and we had boiled potatoes, Roast Beef and Yorkshire Pudding'. 'BOILED POTATOES' said I, rather incredulously. Hands on hips now. 'Since WHEN did you eat boiled flipping potatoes, without me knocking you over the head first!' He looked at me and actually had the nerve to say ' I ate them to be polite mum'.
Deep breath now. The Git's food intake is a carefully balanced plethora of chicken nuggets and spaghetti. Nursery food rules and if something, be it a biscuit or a chicken nugget. smells funny then he will a) refuse to eat for the whole day or b) vomit copiously and expect me to feel sorry for him! No really.... I have a 12 year old son with the taste buds of a 6 month old! Let me explain. He was unable to eat solid food until the age of two. We tried everything from Avocados to Zucchini (erm..A to Z ) and had no success. The doctors could find nothing wrong and we despaired, hands in heads until he finally ate...a chip! He just loved his milk but it meant that we were unable to introduce him to new foods as a baby. I suppose we were so desperate to get him to eat that we let him eat what he wanted.
He has either been invaded by those Body Snatchers, that I worry about, or is so enamoured with his extended family he will do anything to impress. Bugger Off! He is worried that his 'Great Aunts' (oh and they are Great by the way - I would always give them a good reference....just in case) will give him a clip around the ear!
The food thing is the least of my worries. He has returned from Cardiff with a Welsh accent. I find this a little disturbing as he is a natural mimic and sounds like my father did a long time ago. He has worn a Wales scarf for the past two days and is currently fast asleep in it. 'My Uncle Paul is going to take me to see the Cardiff Bluebirds and I am going to live in Cardiff'' he announced today. On and on it goes, how his two nanny (his great Grandmother) has a great little dog called Sam and he is going to take Sam out for walks. I think Sam might want to hide in the cupboard as he is an elderly, grumpy Yorkshire Terrier but for some obscure reason loves Josh. How Welsh water is far superior to English water and to prove the point bought me a bottle back. We had to do a 'Scientific Testing' today, involving Bodmin water and his bottle of Welsh water. I had to concur that he was spot on.
I bought him an England mug today, it is just one of the bits of World Cup paraphernalia around at the moment. He was unimpressed. 'Why didn't you get me a Wales one mum?' I am in fear for my life (and his) as he has taken down the George flag and replaced it with the Welsh Dragon. Where I live, we could be pelted with all manner of dreadful things during the World Cup. He is nonplussed and says, 'the fact of the matter mum, is that I am Welsh and they will have to deal with it'.
Sweet little man. Of course, I am proud of my Welsh heritage but I am such a country mouse that I could never deal with City life and have no wish to. As readers of a this Blog know, I managed a visit to Swansea and Cardiff a few weeks ago and spent the entire weekend trying to breathe. The Git has no such worries, he loved his trip and can't wait to go again.
On another note, my brother came back from Oz last weekend for an Army reunion in Cardiff (which is why The Git wanted to go) . I didn't manage to see him but it's a bit surreal as he came over about six weeks ago. Hmmm...we don't see him for years and then twice in 6 weeks!!
Perhaps I am a bad mother,but I don't think so. I think that its wonderful my son has a connection with his roots and by being with extended family he is able to understand that my lovely Welsh family is where my heart is
Muse x.
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