Saturday, 3 March 2012

Boobs, Breasts and Botox.

I woke the other day, hair looking as tho' I had fought off half of the world with lots of sleep lines on my skin. I am not a vain woman, I accept that my skin does not bounce back like it once did.  My problem on waking and looking like a Spitting Image Puppet was that I had done nothing to deserve it. No booze, no fags, no mucking about with unsuitable men. Shame! I had been positively angelic for at least a week. Yet I looked like I had taken part in Woodstock.

I have something to tell  you Ladies 'of a certain age'. Unless you can afford Botox and fillers on a monthly basis, everything is gonna drop. If, like me, you are blessed with good genes (although I am a little thick of the neck) you can probably carry this off until you are 45. I am 48 now and my time has been HAD, ENJOYED and  BLOODY APPRECIATED! Read this as 'I am over the Hill' now! Yup, I could pull a 29 year old at the age of 45. Do I want to pull a 29 yr old now? No! (I was going through my Mid Life Crises at the time). Do I want to fill myself full of unnecessary things - nope! Do I want to fill my breasts with Silicone, Nah! they are quite nice as they are. Lovely soft fun bags that have fed babies.

So here I am. I have climbed that hill, been utterly gorgeous, and completely fabulous to the men in my life. You know ladies.....the men that you twirl around your little finger and wind them into your life. The fact is that you might be one of those women that lives her life on her own terms or perhaps fills her soul with fake tan and eyelashes. Whoever you are, just remember you are beautiful and if your heart and mind is in tune with your body, then you will be happy x

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