Wednesday, 4 November 2009

Insomnia Rules

Talking tonight about Insomnia. I have, so far, refused to admit I am an Insomniac but meeting Mr S has put a different slant on things and I must now hold my hands up and be counted. Mr S had counselled me about this but I am still reluctant to admit that I suffer. He is a true Insomniac, he gets up when others do but generally only sleeps between the hours of 3 am and 8am.

Me....hmmm... I am a bit more complicated than that. I am a 'Binge' Insomniac. I can do 48 hours without sleep and then I will fall over for 12 but this pattern repeats with me, again and again. Sometimes I go for 72 hours and manage to cope (note, I do not ever drive during this phase). So am I an Insomniac? or do I need to re-learn my sleeping habits?

I think I am scared of missing something. I do not normally watch TV nowadays but a few years ago, when I was still ensconced in the Green Eyed Monster, I drove myself mad, channel hopping as I thought I might be missing something! NOT! A DVD box that records has solved that, so where does that leave me?

I did try and re-learn my sleeping habits when in Hospital with a shattered elbow. The nurses were pretty fed up with me, as despite morphine, sleeping tablets, I could not sleep and give them peace to stand at their station and gossip. One nurse came up to me at 3 in the morning and asked me very gently if I was a drug addict!!!!!....I was in terrible pain and just cried in front of her. When I recovered I found her and explained to her that not everyone sleeps as she does. She was mortified and apologised to me.

In the wee small hours, there are not many like me and I am grateful to have found Mr S. I am not sure there is not any cure but meeting him has, at least, shown me that I am not alone.

Hope you are sleeping safe in your beds.

Muse x

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