It is Muse time. The early hours of the morning and I am awake as usual. The Git safely ensconced with my mother. I have been writing to an old friend (less of the old, we are young girls at heart!) for the last few weeks via Facebook and today we finally swapped phone numbers.
Twelve hours on and neither of us have phoned or texted each other. Why? It is quite simple. We do not want to break the spell of writing to each other. The thrill of finding a decent message in your FB inbox means a lot and whilst she may not realise it, her writing skills 'ain't 'arf bad' and I appreciate her messages. Expression in word can mean so much more than ill thought out speech. No matter, that our messages are sometimes a little misunderstood. We know each other well enough to forgive such clumsiness.
This leads me neatly on to texting and the misconceptions it can provoke,especially when texting a stranger. Yet, it is often the preferred method of 'first contact between parties. I am a self confessed text snob. I cannot stand texts that omit vowels and include numbers. My love of language dismisses them as the work of idiots. Likewise unnecessary kisses and the LOL's set my teeth on edge to point of gnashing. I am either very old and grumpy or maintaining my standards.
So WHY?? do we use text as a method of 'first contact'? Surely it is a recipe for disaster and going back to my dating shenanigans...I have had to dig myself out of a few holes created by my thoughtless texts. I was just trying to convey humour, however, if someone is not on your wavelength then texting them is only going to make it worse!
Think about it. I may be an IT Incontinent (sorry for shouting at you Mr S when you were trying to teach me) and impatient with ever changing technology, but I am not stupid and whilst it is ultimately wise to stay abreast of things, it doesn't hurt to revert to a bit of old fashioned language from time to time.
Muse x
PS Talking of communication in all forms. Thanks Jo, you are the first and only to comment on my blog!
I love your blog -and consider it a great form of communication - I think I have become more of a 'listener; in my old age - and I am listening to you xx