Wednesday, 9 December 2009

Be True to Yourself !

The Muse has been unwell for the last week, unable to Blog and has lots to tell you. I had a huge response to the last Donut Child Blog, by phone, email, FB and text. I did not realise that I could evoke a reaction, thus.

All of our Dads were hero's, keeping us calm and lighting our way to bed. We remember the books they read to us, oh and The Muse learned a mean game of Chess, eventually beating her dad! Most of us remember that time, and practice something called 'Provident Living' just means that you make sure you are aware, and can survive by thinking about what you need. Not material possessions, just survival. Are we blessed with that knowledge, or burdened by it?

One of the most beautiful stories of that time was told by an old schoolie of mine. When I blogged about the terrible fear of Nuclear weapons as a 10 year old and not being quite sure as to where it came from, she explained it was the Government 'Propaganda Advertising'. The adverts ran in the 70's as to what we should do in the event that we were 'Nuked'. My friend is a couple of years older than me and remembers more than I did. She went to see Peter Pan at the cinema, was aware that her parents were talking about 'flying' to a posting. She was utterly horrified after seeing Peter Pan. How could she 'fly' with her brother, sister and teddy? My friend got on the plane, utterly sure that the decision she had made would damn her sister to fly alone, without her hand. She had decided her hands would be held by her brother and her Teddy!

What an innocent childhood we had...but how perceptive we were. I just hope that we can recognize propoganda from news. I can.....can you?

Be Kind to each other

Muse xx

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