Monday, 14 December 2009

Crab Cans and Soap Box Radios.

It has been six days since I have managed to share my thoughts with you. My blogger friend, Mr S and I usually spark off each other and he has been quiet of late whilst, I have been busy. We are generally competitive with one another and I will often end up in fierce debate with him.... me, stamping my foot at a bad mobile signal. The fact that he tends to put his mobile on hands free and then wander around, muttering to himself about technical things, does not help! He has a photographic memory and has to be patient when my ordinary one fails me, he continues to be generous and understanding of this.

My blog of last week discussed our childhood memories, what we remembered and how differently things were perceived through our childish eyes. The Muse household has been plagued with 'communication gremlins' of late. I live in the middle of Cornwall, fondly known as the black hole.The mobile signal defies belief and the land line and Internet can be sporadic, especially when The Git continually rides his bike into the connection! Well it dropped out last week and after 24 hours of waiting for the phone bloke to turn up, I had finally had enough. Friends had, had enough of me phoning them to ask if they could possibly check my hot mail and post on my FB wall and had stopped answering the phone to me! I had chewed my nails to the quick, read every book in the house (alright... I admit to not having finished the Palin Diaries) picked up the mobile and telephoned Mr S.

'Please, please tell me how I can sort this out or I shall start watching TV' I pleaded.
'Simple', he replied and proceeded to take me, step by step, through hot wiring a telephone socket. This is not as easy as it sounds. The basics were easy enough but you are talking to a complete blondie about all matters technical here and he had to put up with a lot of unlady like language, me shouting at him for not explaining things clearly enough. Bear in mind, he is working blind and having to put up with such little gems as 'it's the red thingummy attached to the round whatsit'. He was unbelievably patient with me. Oh joy of joys, it bloody worked until Pa came over and sorted it out 24 hours later. Oh and me? Well I did not say thank you to my long suffering friend, I told him, in the most threatening manner I could manage, if he ever told anyone I could do this, I would deny all knowledge!!!

These recent events sparked another conversation between us. I watched a film last week called 'When the Boat Rocked', telling the story of Radio Caroline, through the rose tinted glasses of the film industry. We talked about being children, a radio under our pillows, listening to Luxembourg. I was, of course, an extremely spoilt child as my father built me my first 'soap box' radio at the age of five. I remember it well, large regulation 'Crab Cans' a battery so big you could start your car with it and a tiny soap box clinging to the side of this mess. Et Voila! the Walkman of the 60's....bit of a shame Pa didn't patent it really! I still yearn for those Crab cans as my son regularly trashes a pair of headphones a month! Mr S, still wanders around with a large pair of cans perched on the top of his head, he has an excuse though, being a DJ!

So although I prefer simplicity, I adore the contact that the net has brought into my home, there are only so many conversations you can have with an 11 year old!


Muse x

PS The Grumpy One AKA Muse has started her Christmas preparations so to all you Facebookers.... you may send me all the Christmas Yak you want and I will politely reply. You now have a 12 day amnesty. Happy Yakking x

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