Thursday, 13 May 2010

Folk On The Water and The Alchemy of Food.

I am going on a boat at the beginning of July, it will not make me seasick, I will not lose my horizon, as this boat is also known as a Barge. A gentle, small quiet thing. I am used to being towed behind big powerful boats, as a sea skier, not meandering through calm millpondish waters at the rate of 3 miles per hour.

The Dutchman has asked me to come aboard and feed people, which is something I am good at. Laying even the smallest table with love and care, making sure friends and strangers are comfortable with each other. Looking after all, in a small space, letting each one of them know they are special. Building and creating a dish from nothing.

Okay! scratch the record....If I were stranded on a Desert Island, what ingredients would I take with me? Easy; Oil, Garlic, Salt, Chilli. But, Oh Bugger, what if you were only allowed has to be garlic as if you were on a Desert Island then salt would abound. Perhaps you may come across a chilli plant or two?? Then you could make some chilli oil. Not sure, but the possibilities are endless.

Here I am, agonising about what I should take with me. I am responsible for five days of decent food and am starting to collect a few bits and pieces. Every cook knows that a supply of fresh herbs will make all the difference to their pot. Flat leaf parsley, Lemon Thyme, Thyme, Rosemary and Mint are the very basics. Do I sacrifice the pink heels in order to carry on board a decent supply of fresh herbs? Should I bring the little camping stove as gas is much better than electric? Shall I just throw the hair dryer in the drink in order to bring, porcini mushrooms, sun dried tomatoes, a beautiful olive oil, a sweet raspberry vinegar??

The Dutchman has assured me that he will stock the barge with 'all the ingredients of a curry' offence but he's a bloke and does not understand these things! I have been shopping and finding little jars of sun dried tomatoes, porcini mushrooms and various herbs and spices. It is a bit like packing for a flight to Oz.

In my mind, I see myself as a welcoming hostess, looking fabulous, wearing a flattering straw hat. Picking wild flowers from the canal side (hmm...), putting them in jam jars and waving to all those that we pass, under the hot July sun.

No doubt I will be huddled in a waterproof, making hot, decent coffee for all on board and willing the sun to come out. It doesn't matter. What matters is this trip is for charity. 'Zoe's Place' who are currently building a new Children's Hospice at Exhall Grange, Warwickshire on the edge of Coventry. We will be on the Canal for 15 nights and every time we moor up, a local band will play a gig at the canal side venue to raise funds for 'Zoe's Place'.

So, please come and support us. You may have a laugh at my cut offs and wellies but who cares, this is for Zoe and we will all do our best.

Oh by the way, do NOT underestimate the Muse, she will practice her Alchemy and feed you all well.

Take Care Out there.

Muse x

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