Friday, 21 May 2010

Dream a little Dream....

I have been ensconced in a little 'Dream Land' this week. Last week I managed to fall UP the stairs and put stupid left arm out to save my fall. Not the best thing to do, hence my reliance on painkillers this week. I have been really good and have not taken any of the really serious ones for months. The last time I did, I had nasty clowns sat on the bottom of my bed. Oh man...that is more than enough to scare you off pain relief.

I admit to being a little worried when I first took them but it seems they only encroach upon my dreams and make me feel a little spacey during the day. Obviously, this is the lack of morphine, which I was imbibing back then. Thank Feck for that!

My dreams have been invaded by 'Grendels and Salmon' - nope.. I did not mis-spell them. Let me explain. I read the most fabulous Sci Fi book in my 20's called Legacy of Heorot by Pournelle, Niven and Barnes, all of them very famous Sci Fi writers. I suppose it was based on the Beowulf Legend. My son then read it in his teens and loved it.

Some 200 humans and a ship full of frozen animal embryo's arrive at a planet called Tau Ceti Four and set up a base on a small island next to a huge landmass. The planet is in its prehistoric stage with huge dinosaur like creatures roaming the mainland. The colony is a success.

They all live very basically and a few of the travellers have come out of their deep space sleep with some damage. It is frontier stuff. The detail is amazing and really makes you think about how we would survive on another planet. What would we take? How would we organize a new society? The book almost gives you the knowledge to do this. What happens after they establish a colony is unbelievable. They inadvertently wreck the Eco system with terrible consequences.

Hence, my dreams have been littered with Grendels and all sorts of fun. I feel as though I do not sleep at times. I am merely dealing with problems in another world. The Dutchman agrees with me. I suppose you have to have a restless mind to dream as much as I do. The thing is, those dreams stay with me the next day and I try and make sense of them.

Now here I am being can yell at me if you like, it's fine. Perhaps my mind has been so saturated with 'The Gov's' propaganda that it has found a leak, a way out and has followed it! We had the flipping election, yet the news channels are milking it like a pregnant sow. What? The Feck? is going on??

Okay, new, Lib Dem/Tory's. They have all been woken from a deep sleep and I am sure that a few are damaged as a result. New legislation and perhaps a way forward. Trying to realise a new way of politics and the problems that it poses. I think that No 10 has become Cadman's Bluff (read the book). Placed on a hill where the Grendels cannot get us. The huge landmass is Europe and the Salmon are the MP's fighting each other and everyone around them...that is, before they morph into Grendels!

The Colony at Tau Ceti Four survived. The question is , will we ?

Take Care out there, you may come across some Grendels...

Muse x

PS I know I am bad but will someone please assassinate Ed Balls!

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