Wednesday, 1 February 2012

Donut Child finally grows up !

I spent the other night doing something very painful but horribly necessary. I had to switch to the new Blogger interface. Well I say 'new' but I've been avoiding it for a year. In order to make the new template work properly, I had to delete the side bar on Donut Child. There was no simple way to do this and I had to delete each post separately. It was like having two years of my life flash before my eyes! Deleting each picture, quote or words of wisdom caused me physical pain. I was so sad to see it all consigned to the great cyber space in the sky. But it's done now and I feel light and free, able to Blog about the important stuff and not spend an hour on the sidebar, stressing as to whether the bar aligned with the Blog okay. I know a lot of you loved the side bar but it just wasn't sustainable and if I 'm going to grow up as a Blogger I need to move on. I'll still Blog about lighthearted stuff (I need to finish up the A to Z of Facebook for instance) and I'm still mucking about with colour schemes etc... but with nearly 1,000 people a month reading this I'm trying to make it more user friendly and easier to read on a mobile. I want to include this old photo from the sidebar though as it was my favourite and I'm sure you will agree...

 Its a 10 year old Joshy with Amos on Folk on The Water learning to play a Dulcimer. Awww! I have also become a member of BlogHer and a very nice Graphic Designer has offered to design a Donut Child logo for me. Phew, its all happening!

I need to ask for  something from you dear reader. My old Blog interface made it very hard for readers to follow this Blog but the new version should be easier. So if you read this on a regular basis then please help me by becoming a follower. You can do this by entering your email in the box at the top right of this Blog. I'd be really grateful. I'm very proud to have been Blogging for two and a half years now, so thanks for reading and keep up the good work! x

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