Saturday, 19 September 2009

The God Apollo


Back again. The Git is now safely in bed and Hyacinth (also known to others as the mother who should be obeyed) is currently driving home.

The Great God Apollo was a Sun God, a brother of Dionysos (who has been through my short life with me, hand in hand) and a conductor of the Muses. I wonder what is the collective term for a group of Muses? No doubt, I will be pulled up, and educated, forthwith.

Musing tonight about the benefits of housework? Clean kitchen sides, sparkling bathrooms, oh! and my most favourite, crisp clean sheets. My moving dust around (annoying and not beneficial) and hoovering. I do not really get hoovering, certainly since I wrecked my arm as left brain reaches for the damn thing and it hurts! Much more fun to put rugs out on a line in the sunshine (in my dreams) and batter the hell out of them. A memory from my childhood, with the big beautiful Greek Mamas doing the same. Just an old fashioned stress release! Forget the psychologist or psychiatrist couch!

Okay, time for bloke update. Talked to a nice guy with loads of money, but not for me as he kept telling me the price of everything he had recently purchased! Ewwww, no thanks, don't care how much money you have, GO AWAY!

Have also been speaking to another, who I am not entirely sure of. Have been accused of disliking his accent, but who am I to judge. He writes beautifully and eloquently, I just wonder what he has been through recently and what he is hiding behind that calm and confident exterior.

Time for me to sign off now.

It has been a good day.

Night all x

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