I had the dubious pleasure of buying a second hand car today. Actually that is an over statement, I set out to buy a banger. I had to get some wheels on the road as Public Transport in Cornwall is almost non existent. Besides which, why should I share my space with people who knock my arm and smell funny! They say an Englishman's Home is his Castle....not in this day and age.. You won't get a Brit out of his car, even if petrol hits the two quid a litre mark.
After searching eBay and looking around locally I could find nothing. 'Right', I said, rolling my sleeves up, 'time to scour the local paper and talk to some spacey people'. I probably phoned about 20 numbers today. These people were not spacey but complete and utter fecking idiots. Nutter is one word I could use. The others that spring to mind are demented, fruitcake or mental defective. WHY do people advertise their cars and then seem reluctant to sell them? WHY do they forget to take them out of the paper when they sold them last week.
Words fail me... I offered to go to St Ives to look at one car (quite some distance from me) and the lady on the phone seemed happy with that. I phoned back to confirm and her hubby answered. After making me hold on for 5 minutes they had a long discussion and said they had decided to go out for a meal and would I mind phoning back. The car is for sale or its not! Bugger. I have had some real foot stamping moments today.
I phoned about another car.
'Hello I am phoning about the car you have for sale'
'Oh yes Mi Dear, what do you want to know?'
'Erm is it MOT'd?'
'We sold that...now lets see about 8 days ago....'
I am speechless. Another guy wanted to chat about his gout or some such terrible thing before he finally told me the car had been sold. A toddler answered the phone and told me his mum couldn't come to the phone. Yep, I have had the lot of them today! After ripping out several handfuls of hair Ma and Pa arrived. Ma tried to calm me down and Pa just resigned himself to driving me 100's of miles to find a car.
I was determined and Pa knew that look from old and just went with the flow. I was amazed as the last car I looked at, a sensible person with a terrifically broad Lancashire accent answered the phone. I may have only been able to understand about half of the conversation but he actually attempted to sell it to me. Yes! Yes! Yes! Result! Wild horses would not have stopped me as I dragged long suffering Pa to Indian Queens to view the motor. We do have some strange Cornish place names around here. Endellion is one of them! But Florence Rose is not. Note for American readers of this Blog (yes I do have a few) our PM just called his daughter Florence Rose Endellion as she was born in Cornwall.
I digress. Arriving at the address of man from Lancashire, my heart sank as I realised the car was....a Metro - sigh. I had got so excited about the prospect of wheels, I sort of forgot what the car was. I know I said I would not ever again drive a Metro because of dickey arm but beggars can't be choosers. Anyway, she says defensively, it was cleaner than the Grendel, there were no parking tickets in the glove box and there wasn't an empty Evian bottle in sight!
This Muse now has wheels but has also had the day from hell. New advertising rules should read. 'Anyone that can't be arsed to sell their car are prohibited from advertising here'. Grumpy girl promises she will be back to her own sweet self tomorrow.
Muse x
Donut Children are Nomadic kids, who travelled the world with their parents. Living a life of a bliss when they were just five... We are all grown up now but long for that life once more.
Friday, 27 August 2010
Monday, 23 August 2010
Just Sixteen and Dreaming...
My 22 year old son posted these lyrics on Facebook last week : -
I remember when we were just sixteen and dreaming.
Drinking in the basement, just shouting and screaming.
Listen to our favorite records all while thinking,
Some day were gonna be there on stage all singing.
Remember breaking hearts and getting hearts broken?
Lying to our parents on what we were smoking?
Solving all our problems with bottles and women?
Even though we knew were better off without them.
(Trophy Scars - Assistant Assistants.)
Loved them, they brought back a lot of memories.
I have no idea who the band are or how the song goes but he was rolling around laughing as I commented 'So do I son and we did it better, bigger and badder way before you did!' Most of us Donut Kids are in our late 40's. One or two of us are actually 50. Gulp! Where did the time go? We are still the same people inside, just older, greyer, tinted, wiser and more exhausted.
At 16 we were bright new things and looked upon those even 10 years older than us as positively ancient. We are catching up with them now...oh the shame. We hated the elderly, oh god, they should have been euthanized years ago. We did not think for one moment that we would hurtle toward perms and zimmer frames, slippers and pipes. In fact, myself and two school friends have one functioning limb between us. If I went up to stay with them, I fear Jess, their German Shepherd would voluntarily put herself in kennels, lest she had to look after us!
To my son, I say... 'We will not bow to old age. Age is but a number and we will still be listening to The Stranglers in our 80's'. The lyrics he posted got me thinking as to how our perception of age has changed. When I was a teenager every woman over the age of 35 had a perm and every man over the age of 40 sported a cardie and Jesus sandals with socks. A- line skirts with geometric print and twin sets were popular with the ladies. 'Simon Cowell' under the armpits trousers were De Riguer for the blokes. I dare not venture north of Cheltenham as the world of flat caps and rollers beckons...not that I am part of the anti roller brigade - Ma loves the things. Quite how you can actually love something that feels as though you have a hundred hedgehogs in you hair is beyond me. But there again, I have done my time at the hairdressers, head bowed under a tonne weight of Aluminium foil!
Our perception, expectation and knowledge of age has been made more profound by Education, Celebrity and the Media. I would like to think that Education is at the forefront of how we embrace our gathering years but, alas it is that old devil called the Media.
Women are expected to stay young and fashionable. Men are becoming more aware and thinking about their image in a way never seen before. Slight problem here. Women naturally age faster than men because the process of childbirth mature their bodies and faces in a different way to men. Look at a woman that has had a child and compare with a Woman that has not. Trust me, I am right about this. Childbirth changes the very essence of the female.
The modern Media world insists that we remain young. Granted, men are under more pressure than before but never as much as women. The question is, can we stay younger without resorting to plastic surgery, creams etc... my answer is a simple one. It rather depends who you are. If you are so precious about your appearance that you have to run off and get Botox in your early thirties then you will probably get more wrinkles worrying about it! Yeah I admit to being precious about my hair but only because it is as sick as me and suffering with the anaemia I suffer with.
Celebrity age is a lie - a big fat nasty lie! Look at actresses on the red carpet and then look at them doing the shop at Sainsbury's. It is easy when you know how. Gut sucking underwear, which leaves hideous marks and take two bouncers to get you out of, creams that make your face so tight you can barely raise an eyebrow and that little photographic trick called airbrushing! Failing that they (Demi Moore) go under the knife and emerge doll like, a veritable alien to their own minds.
Lets backtrack. Do you age gracefully or follow the celebrities and use various products, botox, face lifts? Again an easy answer. Age is an attitude of mind. Carry yourself well, look after yourself and accept the passing years but do not forget your soul, your brilliant youth and your courage.
Muse x
I remember when we were just sixteen and dreaming.
Drinking in the basement, just shouting and screaming.
Listen to our favorite records all while thinking,
Some day were gonna be there on stage all singing.
Remember breaking hearts and getting hearts broken?
Lying to our parents on what we were smoking?
Solving all our problems with bottles and women?
Even though we knew were better off without them.
(Trophy Scars - Assistant Assistants.)
Loved them, they brought back a lot of memories.
I have no idea who the band are or how the song goes but he was rolling around laughing as I commented 'So do I son and we did it better, bigger and badder way before you did!' Most of us Donut Kids are in our late 40's. One or two of us are actually 50. Gulp! Where did the time go? We are still the same people inside, just older, greyer, tinted, wiser and more exhausted.
At 16 we were bright new things and looked upon those even 10 years older than us as positively ancient. We are catching up with them now...oh the shame. We hated the elderly, oh god, they should have been euthanized years ago. We did not think for one moment that we would hurtle toward perms and zimmer frames, slippers and pipes. In fact, myself and two school friends have one functioning limb between us. If I went up to stay with them, I fear Jess, their German Shepherd would voluntarily put herself in kennels, lest she had to look after us!
To my son, I say... 'We will not bow to old age. Age is but a number and we will still be listening to The Stranglers in our 80's'. The lyrics he posted got me thinking as to how our perception of age has changed. When I was a teenager every woman over the age of 35 had a perm and every man over the age of 40 sported a cardie and Jesus sandals with socks. A- line skirts with geometric print and twin sets were popular with the ladies. 'Simon Cowell' under the armpits trousers were De Riguer for the blokes. I dare not venture north of Cheltenham as the world of flat caps and rollers beckons...not that I am part of the anti roller brigade - Ma loves the things. Quite how you can actually love something that feels as though you have a hundred hedgehogs in you hair is beyond me. But there again, I have done my time at the hairdressers, head bowed under a tonne weight of Aluminium foil!
Our perception, expectation and knowledge of age has been made more profound by Education, Celebrity and the Media. I would like to think that Education is at the forefront of how we embrace our gathering years but, alas it is that old devil called the Media.
Women are expected to stay young and fashionable. Men are becoming more aware and thinking about their image in a way never seen before. Slight problem here. Women naturally age faster than men because the process of childbirth mature their bodies and faces in a different way to men. Look at a woman that has had a child and compare with a Woman that has not. Trust me, I am right about this. Childbirth changes the very essence of the female.
The modern Media world insists that we remain young. Granted, men are under more pressure than before but never as much as women. The question is, can we stay younger without resorting to plastic surgery, creams etc... my answer is a simple one. It rather depends who you are. If you are so precious about your appearance that you have to run off and get Botox in your early thirties then you will probably get more wrinkles worrying about it! Yeah I admit to being precious about my hair but only because it is as sick as me and suffering with the anaemia I suffer with.
Celebrity age is a lie - a big fat nasty lie! Look at actresses on the red carpet and then look at them doing the shop at Sainsbury's. It is easy when you know how. Gut sucking underwear, which leaves hideous marks and take two bouncers to get you out of, creams that make your face so tight you can barely raise an eyebrow and that little photographic trick called airbrushing! Failing that they (Demi Moore) go under the knife and emerge doll like, a veritable alien to their own minds.
Lets backtrack. Do you age gracefully or follow the celebrities and use various products, botox, face lifts? Again an easy answer. Age is an attitude of mind. Carry yourself well, look after yourself and accept the passing years but do not forget your soul, your brilliant youth and your courage.
Muse x
Thursday, 19 August 2010
A Letter to The Donut Kids.
Dear Donut Children
I need your help. I have been writing Donut Child for nearly a year now. I started it last September because of letters/emails I had sent to friends. They all said I should write a book, so Donut Child was my first tentative step towards teaching myself the discipline of regular writing. I am about as disciplined as an elastic band so it has been helpful, if a little traumatic at times. It is just as well I don't eat all the pies as I would be done for!
I have to be honest, I wanted to be the next Belle De Jour. I wanted to have that book deal, those film rights and to be as successful as J.K Rowling. I tried the 'salacious' bit, regaling (or boring) you all with my dating disasters. The content gave me so many sleepless nights as I wondered how far to go, who to name, who to give an alias to? How many peoples photos could I nick and post without being slapped with a court order? The other angst was sharing on Face book. Up until now I have only posted each Blog once. There are some people on my wall that shamelessly promote anything they can. I was sniffy about this and said to myself, if they want to read it they will read it.
Then I had a conversation with an Aunt of mine who gleefully told me that she had been reading it to my 90 something Grandmother. Groan.... This plunged me into a further dilemma and I do admit to cleaning up a bit. I tried to shrug off the image of my lovely nan reading it and hope I have been successful.
Donut child has become a bit of a monster. I know that 100-150 people read each Blog. I am so grateful for your interest whoever you are. I had 1500 hits for the Folk on The Water Blogs which completely stunned me so thank you, all of you.
What do I do now? The numbers are steady, but I have NO followers. I am not having a whinge here, just telling you like it is. I need your help. I need your input. Its lonely Blogging into Cyberspace. Also the more followers I have, the more chance I get of being a Google Blog of Note. Which means they share it with the World and you get thousands of hits.
Can you do me a favour ? At the end of each Blog is a FB/Twitter etc bar. If you click on the B (note to all; I am just giving you the idiots guide - apologies), you can sign in and register with Google and become a Named or Anonymous Follower of Donut Child. You can even comment, be it caustically or constructively.
If you can't be arsed to do that ( I do understand as I can't be arsed to do a lot of things on line as they just make me sigh out loud and put head in hands) then perhaps you can share a link occasionally on FB or Twitter or wherever you like to blow your trumpet. If you can do something to help I would be so grateful.
Enough of my shameless begging. Will post another Donut Child soon.
Muse x
PS I also write two other Blogs which are not yet shared so the writing is going well. Thanks for your support. x
I need your help. I have been writing Donut Child for nearly a year now. I started it last September because of letters/emails I had sent to friends. They all said I should write a book, so Donut Child was my first tentative step towards teaching myself the discipline of regular writing. I am about as disciplined as an elastic band so it has been helpful, if a little traumatic at times. It is just as well I don't eat all the pies as I would be done for!
I have to be honest, I wanted to be the next Belle De Jour. I wanted to have that book deal, those film rights and to be as successful as J.K Rowling. I tried the 'salacious' bit, regaling (or boring) you all with my dating disasters. The content gave me so many sleepless nights as I wondered how far to go, who to name, who to give an alias to? How many peoples photos could I nick and post without being slapped with a court order? The other angst was sharing on Face book. Up until now I have only posted each Blog once. There are some people on my wall that shamelessly promote anything they can. I was sniffy about this and said to myself, if they want to read it they will read it.
Then I had a conversation with an Aunt of mine who gleefully told me that she had been reading it to my 90 something Grandmother. Groan.... This plunged me into a further dilemma and I do admit to cleaning up a bit. I tried to shrug off the image of my lovely nan reading it and hope I have been successful.
Donut child has become a bit of a monster. I know that 100-150 people read each Blog. I am so grateful for your interest whoever you are. I had 1500 hits for the Folk on The Water Blogs which completely stunned me so thank you, all of you.
What do I do now? The numbers are steady, but I have NO followers. I am not having a whinge here, just telling you like it is. I need your help. I need your input. Its lonely Blogging into Cyberspace. Also the more followers I have, the more chance I get of being a Google Blog of Note. Which means they share it with the World and you get thousands of hits.
Can you do me a favour ? At the end of each Blog is a FB/Twitter etc bar. If you click on the B (note to all; I am just giving you the idiots guide - apologies), you can sign in and register with Google and become a Named or Anonymous Follower of Donut Child. You can even comment, be it caustically or constructively.
If you can't be arsed to do that ( I do understand as I can't be arsed to do a lot of things on line as they just make me sigh out loud and put head in hands) then perhaps you can share a link occasionally on FB or Twitter or wherever you like to blow your trumpet. If you can do something to help I would be so grateful.
Enough of my shameless begging. Will post another Donut Child soon.
Muse x
PS I also write two other Blogs which are not yet shared so the writing is going well. Thanks for your support. x
Friday, 13 August 2010
The Mothership and Mayhem in the Muse household!
The Mothership came to visit for a few days this week, dragging the long suffering Pa with her. The Mothership is one of her nicknames, the other is Hyacinth. Is it old age that causes adored but challenging parents to misbehave or something else? Do they secretly think, 'Ha! I am getting on so I will cause as much mayhem as possible'. It is a bit like that famous poem, 'Warning' by Jenny Joseph, which I will post on the side bar. One of my favourites by the way.
I hadn't spent a lot of time with them recently so I was looking forward to it. Hyacinth has long been a 'bag lady'. She loves bags. Make up bags, cool bags, handbags and has a special place in her heart for large suitcases that weigh at least 20 kilos when they are empty! In came the bags and underneath them somewhere, I did spot Pa for a moment but this was a fleeting glimpse as he toiled to offload the car.
Hyacinth is very glamorous and feminine for her age ( this is, obviously the reason for the bags) but is sadly hard of hearing. She endured a terrible operation to remove a mastoid from her left ear when she was a child and has always been profoundly deaf in that ear. The other has worked hard throughout her life and is on its way out too. She has dealt with this in a quiet dignified way and lip reads very well, never ever complaining.
However well behaved Hyacinth is at the start of a visit, things generally deteriorate quite quickly. The TV volume starts low with subtitles and The Archers is listened to only as a special treat. Hyacinth does not understand the modern world and can be often be found trying to turn up the TV volume with Pa's mobile! Hence the creeping up of the TV volume in the lounge, The Archers at full blast in the kitchen and The Proms thundering through the bedroom. We are usually far too polite to comment and take refuge in the garden. A garden is a good place of refuge during these times!
Onto other matters. Why do parents drink so many cups of Tea? Personally, if I had to put the kettle on that many times I would cut out the kettle and just take it intravenously. Reading glasses are a difficult thing and hours are spent searching for them, only to find they have been sat on and are unrecognizable. My theory is that reading glasses are so cheap because they are made to be sat on. I once dated a 40 something guy that bought 10 pairs at once - sensible chap. Must remember that for their next visit. I should be careful of what I say on the subject as I am in limbo with my distance glasses at the moment and they are constantly perched on the end of my nose whilst I squint at the mobile or the newspaper!
I think what troubles me the most is that they think I am still 6 years old. I am constantly reminded to wash my hands, use a napkin, go to the loo before going out and 'don't' use too much salt. The other irritant is bedtime. Why do they think I should got to bed at 10pm. 'Time you were off to bed darling' said Pa last night at 10.30pm. Bless!
I loved having them to visit, caught up with Ma and Pa was my hero, spending long hours under now defunct washing machine, cutting hedge and fixing my bathroom light. Despite their idiosyncrasies they are mine and I adore them but its nice to have my space back again.
Muse x
I hadn't spent a lot of time with them recently so I was looking forward to it. Hyacinth has long been a 'bag lady'. She loves bags. Make up bags, cool bags, handbags and has a special place in her heart for large suitcases that weigh at least 20 kilos when they are empty! In came the bags and underneath them somewhere, I did spot Pa for a moment but this was a fleeting glimpse as he toiled to offload the car.
Hyacinth is very glamorous and feminine for her age ( this is, obviously the reason for the bags) but is sadly hard of hearing. She endured a terrible operation to remove a mastoid from her left ear when she was a child and has always been profoundly deaf in that ear. The other has worked hard throughout her life and is on its way out too. She has dealt with this in a quiet dignified way and lip reads very well, never ever complaining.
However well behaved Hyacinth is at the start of a visit, things generally deteriorate quite quickly. The TV volume starts low with subtitles and The Archers is listened to only as a special treat. Hyacinth does not understand the modern world and can be often be found trying to turn up the TV volume with Pa's mobile! Hence the creeping up of the TV volume in the lounge, The Archers at full blast in the kitchen and The Proms thundering through the bedroom. We are usually far too polite to comment and take refuge in the garden. A garden is a good place of refuge during these times!
Onto other matters. Why do parents drink so many cups of Tea? Personally, if I had to put the kettle on that many times I would cut out the kettle and just take it intravenously. Reading glasses are a difficult thing and hours are spent searching for them, only to find they have been sat on and are unrecognizable. My theory is that reading glasses are so cheap because they are made to be sat on. I once dated a 40 something guy that bought 10 pairs at once - sensible chap. Must remember that for their next visit. I should be careful of what I say on the subject as I am in limbo with my distance glasses at the moment and they are constantly perched on the end of my nose whilst I squint at the mobile or the newspaper!
I think what troubles me the most is that they think I am still 6 years old. I am constantly reminded to wash my hands, use a napkin, go to the loo before going out and 'don't' use too much salt. The other irritant is bedtime. Why do they think I should got to bed at 10pm. 'Time you were off to bed darling' said Pa last night at 10.30pm. Bless!
I loved having them to visit, caught up with Ma and Pa was my hero, spending long hours under now defunct washing machine, cutting hedge and fixing my bathroom light. Despite their idiosyncrasies they are mine and I adore them but its nice to have my space back again.
Muse x
Short but Sweet
I am playing Clapton tonight and have talked about Spirituality in some recent Blogs. Mine is personal. Yours may be organized but who cares! This is as close as it gets. Posting these Lyrics tonight. One of the most beautiful songs of all time.
I have finally found a way to live just like I never could before.
I know that I don't have much to give, but I can open any door.
Everybody knows the secret, everybody knows the score.
I have finally found a way to live in the colour of the Lord.
I have finally found a place to live just like I never could before.
And I know I don't have much to give, but soon I'll open any door.
Everybody knows the secret, everybody knows the score.
I have finally found a place to live in the presence of the Lord.
In the presence of the Lord.
I have finally found a way to live just like I never could before.
And I know I don't have much to give, but I can open any door.
Everybody knows the secret, I said everybody knows the score.
I have finally found a way to live in the colour of the Lord.
In the colour of the Lord.
Take Care out There
Muse x
I have finally found a way to live just like I never could before.
I know that I don't have much to give, but I can open any door.
Everybody knows the secret, everybody knows the score.
I have finally found a way to live in the colour of the Lord.
I have finally found a place to live just like I never could before.
And I know I don't have much to give, but soon I'll open any door.
Everybody knows the secret, everybody knows the score.
I have finally found a place to live in the presence of the Lord.
In the presence of the Lord.
I have finally found a way to live just like I never could before.
And I know I don't have much to give, but I can open any door.
Everybody knows the secret, I said everybody knows the score.
I have finally found a way to live in the colour of the Lord.
In the colour of the Lord.
Take Care out There
Muse x
Thursday, 12 August 2010
The Lost Children
After all the fun of the past few weeks it seems a shame to Blog about the serious things in life but despite being a Blondie about technical matters, I do have a brain. Recent news reports suggest that Parents who kill their children and then go on to commit suicide are becoming more common. This upsets and depresses me. Before I go on, I must just say that there is NO excuse for the actions of these parents.
I was talking to the Mother ship about it today. Apparently men are more likely to do this because their levels of Testosterone make them more aggressive than women. There have always been women, suffering with a serious form of Post-Partum Psychosis who kill their babies. Also infanticide is a common, if terrible, consequence of economic hardship within developing countries. In rural India and China infanticide is practiced as a result of sex selection among parents. The illegal use of the ultrasound in China is prolific and Wikipedia quotes there may be as many as 40 million missing baby girls.
Killing your offspring is not uncommon in Western Society either. Infanticide is more common among mothers and filicide among fathers. Statistics for the United States show that it ranked eleventh for infants under 1 year killed, and fourth for those killed from the age of 1 through to 14 years old. The research I have done tonight has both horrified and disgusted me. But the point I am trying to make is that acts of infanticide and filicide have been part of our society since Roman times and probably further back.
What we are seeing in Western society is the murder of several offspring at once. A deliberate and devastating act of punishment for the surviving partner. Revenge gone mad. Are we so far gone as a Western society that we are unable cope with the modern world and just snap? Or is it something much deeper and darker that exists within us? A black insanity that hides within us all? What is it that is making these awful events more prolific? Is it the abuse of alcohol and drugs ? I think that has a lot to do with it. Alcohol is the most damaging of the two. How many times have you seen aggressive behaviour in a drunk.
We must slow down as a society and take a look at ourselves. I am not a subscriber of that adage that America is the 'Free World'. Maybe I am just getting old but in my life time I have seen our society degenerate, fragment and explode. Spending years as a care worker, on the the road. I have seen the very dregs of human kind. I have seen some dreadful, frightened people, crawling back to their very primeval roots. People who have abused themselves or others so badly that they are too far gone to save themselves. I know I keep saying it but we do have a slower life style where I live and we benefit immensely from that.
It is a sad reflection of our fragile society that we have to take the most terrible retribution out on those we once loved? I am so sad and feeling so helpless for those children that have been the innocent victims among the age old war of the sexes. Take a moment. Take a deep breath. Pause for a moment and take some time for yourself. Make sure you never ever get caught in that terrible destructive spiral. Indulge your own spirituality, be it organized or personal and look after others.
Take Care out There
Muse x
I was talking to the Mother ship about it today. Apparently men are more likely to do this because their levels of Testosterone make them more aggressive than women. There have always been women, suffering with a serious form of Post-Partum Psychosis who kill their babies. Also infanticide is a common, if terrible, consequence of economic hardship within developing countries. In rural India and China infanticide is practiced as a result of sex selection among parents. The illegal use of the ultrasound in China is prolific and Wikipedia quotes there may be as many as 40 million missing baby girls.
Killing your offspring is not uncommon in Western Society either. Infanticide is more common among mothers and filicide among fathers. Statistics for the United States show that it ranked eleventh for infants under 1 year killed, and fourth for those killed from the age of 1 through to 14 years old. The research I have done tonight has both horrified and disgusted me. But the point I am trying to make is that acts of infanticide and filicide have been part of our society since Roman times and probably further back.
What we are seeing in Western society is the murder of several offspring at once. A deliberate and devastating act of punishment for the surviving partner. Revenge gone mad. Are we so far gone as a Western society that we are unable cope with the modern world and just snap? Or is it something much deeper and darker that exists within us? A black insanity that hides within us all? What is it that is making these awful events more prolific? Is it the abuse of alcohol and drugs ? I think that has a lot to do with it. Alcohol is the most damaging of the two. How many times have you seen aggressive behaviour in a drunk.
We must slow down as a society and take a look at ourselves. I am not a subscriber of that adage that America is the 'Free World'. Maybe I am just getting old but in my life time I have seen our society degenerate, fragment and explode. Spending years as a care worker, on the the road. I have seen the very dregs of human kind. I have seen some dreadful, frightened people, crawling back to their very primeval roots. People who have abused themselves or others so badly that they are too far gone to save themselves. I know I keep saying it but we do have a slower life style where I live and we benefit immensely from that.
It is a sad reflection of our fragile society that we have to take the most terrible retribution out on those we once loved? I am so sad and feeling so helpless for those children that have been the innocent victims among the age old war of the sexes. Take a moment. Take a deep breath. Pause for a moment and take some time for yourself. Make sure you never ever get caught in that terrible destructive spiral. Indulge your own spirituality, be it organized or personal and look after others.
Take Care out There
Muse x
Tuesday, 10 August 2010
Pumpkins and Piles of the Smelly Stuff.
Had I realised it was going to be one of those days where life throws seven kinds of shit at you, I wouldn't have bothered getting out of bed. As I have found out by my experiences and those of my friends, if things go wrong they don't just go pear shaped they go pumpkin shaped! I had a lot to do as the Mother Ship is currently on approach and landing tomorrow.
The first disaster came when The Git fell off his bike. Just like his mother, he doesn't do things by halves, he likes to go the whole hog. His already impressive collection of bruises and grazes was added to with one gravel rash thigh, two gravel rash hands and a pulled muscle. His screams had me running from the house, half dressed and desperately searching for the source of the noise. He's okay but I am getting too flipping old to deal with these panics. My heart was beating so hard, I thought I would pass out. After gaining a lot of sympathy from me, I have now switched tactics and am very unimpressed that I am having to run around after him. Also WHY? as a mother, do you actually relax for a moment and something awful happens to your offspring. Note to self, never ever relax!
I went to Asda and he insisted accompanying me on his crutches. Arrived, found my friend Neil and demanded to know why there were no wheel chairs. Three stolen and two in for repair apparently. Words fail me. Nope I won't rant about disabled rights on this but honestly....
Arriving home with a load of bags, I could not find my key. I had somehow lost it. How stupid is that? I cannot think for the life of me what I did with the bloody thing. Time I got myself a key ring the size of a tennis ball. Mind you, the day I was having I would have been sure to lose it even if it had been attached to the Titanic!
My neighbour Angie came out and gave me a waterproof as I was dressed in some of my most frivolous summer finery. I phoned a locksmith as there were no windows open. I had actually lost a key a few weeks ago and Angie helped me break in whilst sternly lecturing me about the stupidity of leaving a top window open.
Two very helpful members of the opposite sex arrived . I say 'helpful' but it took them and hour and a half to drill out the lock! What is it about the Male of the Species? I have to say that I am a complete blondie about these matters but is it actually that difficult? Ask a man to put together some flat pack furniture and you will understand what I am saying. Is there a man out there that can carry out a repair, stop a leaking loo or even cut a simple hedge without breaking something or peppering the air with curses that would make a sailor blush? Find me one and I'll marry him! This obviously excludes Penfold.
The final insult today was that my washing machine is refusing to spin and I have blown three light bulbs. Ah well...it can only get better. The washing machine can bloody wait until tomorrow!
The Muse household is back to some sort of normality. I have cleaned up the Locksmiths mess, showered and patched up The Git, made a Sweet Potato, Ginger and Butternut Squash Soup for the folks and now I need a bath and a glass of the pink!
I still have Friday the 13th to look forward to. Deep joy....
Be Careful Out There
Muse x
The first disaster came when The Git fell off his bike. Just like his mother, he doesn't do things by halves, he likes to go the whole hog. His already impressive collection of bruises and grazes was added to with one gravel rash thigh, two gravel rash hands and a pulled muscle. His screams had me running from the house, half dressed and desperately searching for the source of the noise. He's okay but I am getting too flipping old to deal with these panics. My heart was beating so hard, I thought I would pass out. After gaining a lot of sympathy from me, I have now switched tactics and am very unimpressed that I am having to run around after him. Also WHY? as a mother, do you actually relax for a moment and something awful happens to your offspring. Note to self, never ever relax!
I went to Asda and he insisted accompanying me on his crutches. Arrived, found my friend Neil and demanded to know why there were no wheel chairs. Three stolen and two in for repair apparently. Words fail me. Nope I won't rant about disabled rights on this but honestly....
Arriving home with a load of bags, I could not find my key. I had somehow lost it. How stupid is that? I cannot think for the life of me what I did with the bloody thing. Time I got myself a key ring the size of a tennis ball. Mind you, the day I was having I would have been sure to lose it even if it had been attached to the Titanic!
My neighbour Angie came out and gave me a waterproof as I was dressed in some of my most frivolous summer finery. I phoned a locksmith as there were no windows open. I had actually lost a key a few weeks ago and Angie helped me break in whilst sternly lecturing me about the stupidity of leaving a top window open.
Two very helpful members of the opposite sex arrived . I say 'helpful' but it took them and hour and a half to drill out the lock! What is it about the Male of the Species? I have to say that I am a complete blondie about these matters but is it actually that difficult? Ask a man to put together some flat pack furniture and you will understand what I am saying. Is there a man out there that can carry out a repair, stop a leaking loo or even cut a simple hedge without breaking something or peppering the air with curses that would make a sailor blush? Find me one and I'll marry him! This obviously excludes Penfold.
The final insult today was that my washing machine is refusing to spin and I have blown three light bulbs. Ah well...it can only get better. The washing machine can bloody wait until tomorrow!
The Muse household is back to some sort of normality. I have cleaned up the Locksmiths mess, showered and patched up The Git, made a Sweet Potato, Ginger and Butternut Squash Soup for the folks and now I need a bath and a glass of the pink!
I still have Friday the 13th to look forward to. Deep joy....
Be Careful Out There
Muse x
The Temple of Popcorn.
I am depressingly back to reality. I have to deal with what Life throws at me once again and am unable to hide at Penfolds Pad. How I wish I was still there....
On my last day, we had decided on a Cinema visit, he cooked me a lunch of lamb steaks in rosemary with home grown potatoes - bliss. I found that I rather liked being looked after as I usually take care of everyone else. Early afternoon, I was laying on the sofa reading whilst he was at his laptop and he came over to say hello. I told him I was a little cold. He went upstairs, found me a blanket and tucked me in. Oops another little unplanned nap for me. I think a silent pact was made between us that we would go in the late afternoon, rather than evening as I was so relaxed with him and being fed so well that I kept nodding off!
Neither of us have been to the Cinema for years. The experience was a difficult one for me. We walked into a what can only be described as a Temple of Popcorn. Yeah, I know I'm getting old and being grumpy here but the stuff was all over the place. The smell was hideous and whilst I waited for him to purchase our tickets a family of over excited South Africans were doing their best to munch their way through industrial sized vats of the stuff and spilling most of it over me...
The film was 'Inception' starring Leonardo Di Caprio. Difficult to describe its genre but a Sci Fi Thriller should cover most options. The film was great, and it took us through layers of time, making our brains work. Penfold was pleased with the 'Bang Bang ' moments, I was not. The sound was designed to ensure that we didn't nod off but then I have the hearing of a Bat! The guy sat next to me was in full on 'anti social' mode, eating nachos and chilli sauce, slurping down two litres of coke. The effect on his nervous system did not take too long and he spent the entire film jigging his leg up and down and invading my space. Penfold and I were saving ourselves for later delights. My daughter Siany had also watched the film. 'How was it for you' I said. 'Well mummy' she replied ' I did get it in the end but it took me a bit longer than you.' Bless!
Penfold was heroic, driving me first to his village local, which was populated by two very elderly customers, chewing their way through a roast dinner. The place was dire - the area is moneyed so how does a pub like that survive? We found the glorious Red Lion in Cricklade. What a lovely place. It has an A La Carte side and a Lounge Bar. We opted for the Lounge Bar. I was blissfully happy with a pint of Becks and Cornish Haddock in Beer Batter with three times cooked homemade chips. Mmmmm..... I think the popcorn had put Penfold off as he opted for the Whitebait starter. Failing that I was being piggy as it was my last night of fun.
So here I am, back to reality but having had a fantastic week with Penfold. Thank you for looking after me Penfold. Adoration persists!
Take Care out There
Muse x
On my last day, we had decided on a Cinema visit, he cooked me a lunch of lamb steaks in rosemary with home grown potatoes - bliss. I found that I rather liked being looked after as I usually take care of everyone else. Early afternoon, I was laying on the sofa reading whilst he was at his laptop and he came over to say hello. I told him I was a little cold. He went upstairs, found me a blanket and tucked me in. Oops another little unplanned nap for me. I think a silent pact was made between us that we would go in the late afternoon, rather than evening as I was so relaxed with him and being fed so well that I kept nodding off!
Neither of us have been to the Cinema for years. The experience was a difficult one for me. We walked into a what can only be described as a Temple of Popcorn. Yeah, I know I'm getting old and being grumpy here but the stuff was all over the place. The smell was hideous and whilst I waited for him to purchase our tickets a family of over excited South Africans were doing their best to munch their way through industrial sized vats of the stuff and spilling most of it over me...
The film was 'Inception' starring Leonardo Di Caprio. Difficult to describe its genre but a Sci Fi Thriller should cover most options. The film was great, and it took us through layers of time, making our brains work. Penfold was pleased with the 'Bang Bang ' moments, I was not. The sound was designed to ensure that we didn't nod off but then I have the hearing of a Bat! The guy sat next to me was in full on 'anti social' mode, eating nachos and chilli sauce, slurping down two litres of coke. The effect on his nervous system did not take too long and he spent the entire film jigging his leg up and down and invading my space. Penfold and I were saving ourselves for later delights. My daughter Siany had also watched the film. 'How was it for you' I said. 'Well mummy' she replied ' I did get it in the end but it took me a bit longer than you.' Bless!
Penfold was heroic, driving me first to his village local, which was populated by two very elderly customers, chewing their way through a roast dinner. The place was dire - the area is moneyed so how does a pub like that survive? We found the glorious Red Lion in Cricklade. What a lovely place. It has an A La Carte side and a Lounge Bar. We opted for the Lounge Bar. I was blissfully happy with a pint of Becks and Cornish Haddock in Beer Batter with three times cooked homemade chips. Mmmmm..... I think the popcorn had put Penfold off as he opted for the Whitebait starter. Failing that I was being piggy as it was my last night of fun.
So here I am, back to reality but having had a fantastic week with Penfold. Thank you for looking after me Penfold. Adoration persists!
Take Care out There
Muse x
Sunday, 8 August 2010
The Evils of Public Transport.
I am back home in Cornwall and sad that my week of fun is over. The journey home was not a good one so prepare for a rant. I had decided to travel on the coach as they offer assistance with bags and you can 'alledgedly' book this. I spent 10 minutes on a premium rate number trying to do this. What a rip off, I had to listen to several recorded messages before I got through.
Penfold left me at Swindon and there was no sign of assistance but I didn't mind too much as I was stood in the right place. I told the driver I had booked assistance and he said no one had told him anything. We got to Bristol late where we had to transfer to another coach very quickly as it was waiting for us. I had to wait for the driver to offload everyone else before me as I physically could not carry my bags. Yes, I know I should travel light but I'm a girl! One of the Customer Service people shouted at me to hurry up and that was enough for me. I stamped my foot HARD and shouted 'look at my arm you idiot, what is this, do you actually think I am wearing a hot, scratchy arm guard for fun???' He looked a bit sheepish and muttered at me that he didn't know I needed assistance. 'That is not the point' said I ' use your bloody eyes'. The driver was great as he calmed me down and told useless Customer Services Chap to go. It may seem like a small thing to get angry about but when you are in constant pain and people regularly invade your personal space it all gets a bit much sometimes.
The journey continued and I think the original driver had, had a bit of a word with the other driver as when I changed at Plymouth the Customer Services Lady was waiting for me in her high vis jacket. We had to wait for an hour for 25 passengers coming off another coach. It was a party of Americans and everyone of them got on board and thanked us for waiting. Kind of restores your faith in human nature doesn't it!
Things went from bad to surreal. I was sat at the front with a lovely lady called Liz and we were bantering with the driver, who was telling us a series of very silly one liner jokes. The Brits were falling about laughing and the Americans were asking us to explain them. A few of the Brits on the coach were worried about relatives waiting for them and as I know the Plymouth road very well, I was giving them timings for their destinations. The driver said I should get on the mic and give the Americans a guided tour. Hilarious! I didn't by the way! I got off the coach at Bodmin to farewell kisses and lots of goodbye waves. Awww....
Just to be serious for a moment. I have been a care worker for years and did not think for a minute that I would end up with a Disability. We don't though do we? I suppose if we did we would wrap ourselves in cotton wool and do nothing at all. Think about it, it could be you. Whether you are unfortunate enough to have a bad accident, as I did, or Disability comes to you through old age, you will, at some time in your life experience it. Take a moment and think of others less fortunate than you and use your eyes to ensure they have a fair shot at life. On a brighter note, losing some of the use of my arm has opened my eyes and I have gained, rather than lost from the experience. Okay she says, lecture over.
I dumped my bags gratefully, yawned down the phone to Penfold and cracked a beer. It was good to be home but tired as I was I had to go to Truro to play with Angelina, my four year old granddaughter, the next day. As you know I am 'between' cars at the moment so this involved more public transport. This time by train, which was smooth but late!
Angelina was waiting for me. I had dropped into a card shop and bought her a couple of helium balloons and grumpily fought my way through the crowds of Saturday shoppers with them. Angelina had dressed herself in a green top, pink skirt, pink shoes, glitter in her hair and completing the ensemble was a pair of sunglasses on the top of her head! Siany went off to work looking stunning ,as usual, and Angelina and I hit the shops. She was so funny. She knew exactly what she wanted and if the sun went in she would clip her sunglasses to her top.
We had lunch in an Italian restaurant. I had the Calamari and a glass of pink (the benefits of not driving) and she opted for the coca cola and a dish of 'Manilla' ice-cream. We had to do a lot of clinking of glasses and say cheers to each other a lot. Fellow diners were as entranced as I. I asked her if I could go into a clothes shop. 'Just for a minute' she said sternly. Whilst in the shop, she was trying her best to hurry me up. 'This top is fine for you' she announced, or 'I think this one would look good'. Quite the little Diva isn't she! Four presents later we got home. Angelina put her new Scooby Doo DVD on (my granddaughter has great taste you know), got her blankie and we settled down for some chill time.
What a fabulous day we had doing girly things. Back on the train again. Why do I always have surreal experiences when I travel? My last train journey involved a troupe of Morris Dancers (or should I say Dorris Prancers) and they insisted on sharing their Cider with me. This time it was a group of lovely Plymouth girls, all about my age. They opened a bottle of the fizzy stuff and insisted that I participated. The cork was popped and ended up wedged in the luggage rack. What a great end to a girly day.
This Muse is tired but happy and promises she will tackle the washing tomorrow.
Take Care out there
Muse x
Penfold left me at Swindon and there was no sign of assistance but I didn't mind too much as I was stood in the right place. I told the driver I had booked assistance and he said no one had told him anything. We got to Bristol late where we had to transfer to another coach very quickly as it was waiting for us. I had to wait for the driver to offload everyone else before me as I physically could not carry my bags. Yes, I know I should travel light but I'm a girl! One of the Customer Service people shouted at me to hurry up and that was enough for me. I stamped my foot HARD and shouted 'look at my arm you idiot, what is this, do you actually think I am wearing a hot, scratchy arm guard for fun???' He looked a bit sheepish and muttered at me that he didn't know I needed assistance. 'That is not the point' said I ' use your bloody eyes'. The driver was great as he calmed me down and told useless Customer Services Chap to go. It may seem like a small thing to get angry about but when you are in constant pain and people regularly invade your personal space it all gets a bit much sometimes.
The journey continued and I think the original driver had, had a bit of a word with the other driver as when I changed at Plymouth the Customer Services Lady was waiting for me in her high vis jacket. We had to wait for an hour for 25 passengers coming off another coach. It was a party of Americans and everyone of them got on board and thanked us for waiting. Kind of restores your faith in human nature doesn't it!
Things went from bad to surreal. I was sat at the front with a lovely lady called Liz and we were bantering with the driver, who was telling us a series of very silly one liner jokes. The Brits were falling about laughing and the Americans were asking us to explain them. A few of the Brits on the coach were worried about relatives waiting for them and as I know the Plymouth road very well, I was giving them timings for their destinations. The driver said I should get on the mic and give the Americans a guided tour. Hilarious! I didn't by the way! I got off the coach at Bodmin to farewell kisses and lots of goodbye waves. Awww....
Just to be serious for a moment. I have been a care worker for years and did not think for a minute that I would end up with a Disability. We don't though do we? I suppose if we did we would wrap ourselves in cotton wool and do nothing at all. Think about it, it could be you. Whether you are unfortunate enough to have a bad accident, as I did, or Disability comes to you through old age, you will, at some time in your life experience it. Take a moment and think of others less fortunate than you and use your eyes to ensure they have a fair shot at life. On a brighter note, losing some of the use of my arm has opened my eyes and I have gained, rather than lost from the experience. Okay she says, lecture over.
I dumped my bags gratefully, yawned down the phone to Penfold and cracked a beer. It was good to be home but tired as I was I had to go to Truro to play with Angelina, my four year old granddaughter, the next day. As you know I am 'between' cars at the moment so this involved more public transport. This time by train, which was smooth but late!
Angelina was waiting for me. I had dropped into a card shop and bought her a couple of helium balloons and grumpily fought my way through the crowds of Saturday shoppers with them. Angelina had dressed herself in a green top, pink skirt, pink shoes, glitter in her hair and completing the ensemble was a pair of sunglasses on the top of her head! Siany went off to work looking stunning ,as usual, and Angelina and I hit the shops. She was so funny. She knew exactly what she wanted and if the sun went in she would clip her sunglasses to her top.
We had lunch in an Italian restaurant. I had the Calamari and a glass of pink (the benefits of not driving) and she opted for the coca cola and a dish of 'Manilla' ice-cream. We had to do a lot of clinking of glasses and say cheers to each other a lot. Fellow diners were as entranced as I. I asked her if I could go into a clothes shop. 'Just for a minute' she said sternly. Whilst in the shop, she was trying her best to hurry me up. 'This top is fine for you' she announced, or 'I think this one would look good'. Quite the little Diva isn't she! Four presents later we got home. Angelina put her new Scooby Doo DVD on (my granddaughter has great taste you know), got her blankie and we settled down for some chill time.
What a fabulous day we had doing girly things. Back on the train again. Why do I always have surreal experiences when I travel? My last train journey involved a troupe of Morris Dancers (or should I say Dorris Prancers) and they insisted on sharing their Cider with me. This time it was a group of lovely Plymouth girls, all about my age. They opened a bottle of the fizzy stuff and insisted that I participated. The cork was popped and ended up wedged in the luggage rack. What a great end to a girly day.
This Muse is tired but happy and promises she will tackle the washing tomorrow.
Take Care out there
Muse x
Friday, 6 August 2010
Confessions and a Meze!
I am back in deepest Wiltshire, after having wandered up to deepest Warwickshire for a couple of days with Penfold. We drove up on Tuesday afternoon, carrying a ' Mini Cool Box Meze' with us to the Dutchman's place. We were all in Cyprus 30 years ago and had decided to get together for a reminisce and a Cypriot style barbie. I had made sheftalia, kebabs, feta, mint and yoghurt dip, taramasalata, greek salad, haloumi and TASHI sauce. I had spent the the previous day wandering around the Turkish/Asian shops and was delighted with my haul. When I explained what I was making, a couple of the Turkish guys tried to invite themselves!
Penfold had to go and cut some grass for his Ma so he dropped me off in the middle of Leamington Spa for a spot of retail therapy. Leamington is a beautiful town and I thought about getting my hair done whilst there. Hmmm...for a wash and blow dry I was quoted £26-£41!! Am I a little Cornish Muse or is Leamington a very rich area? Needless to say, I didn't get my hair done. Penfold picked me up and we set off for The Dutchman's pad.
I love Deppers Bridge, it is a really special place. The barbie was lit and the beers opened, the peace and tranquility of Deppers Bridge worked it's Magic as we chilled out, and the fun began. The Tashi sauce certainly invoked some memories. Penfold and the Dutchman were hilarious, telling me that my Tashi sauce was not up to standard as it didn't have any crusty bits around the edge and a big black hair in the middle! Ahhh... the delights of Georges bar - we miss you so much! I had been searching for some Metaxa brandy but had failed miserably. 'Probably just as well' muttered the Dutchman. I had no idea at the time how prophetic his words would be...
These oldies but goodies decided to party and play some loud but decent music. Large amounts of alcohol and good food followed. It was getting chilly so the guys made a command decision to light a fire in the fire pit. Oh! that was so much fun, sat in the dark, grilling Haloumi on sticks over the fire and hiking up the music. The only person missing was Kelly who had gone down to Cornwall. We were drinking wine at this stage and with the atmosphere, fire and great company, it just slipped down...not my fault she says. I decided that a bit of hair fluffing was needed and trying to step out of a fire pit gracefully after a lot of alcohol is not the easiest thing for a girl to do. One forward roll down a grassy bank and the guys completely helpless with laughter followed. Ooops, where did that bank come from! Penfold has taken to calling me 'DangerMuse' ever since...
I was fine in the loo, at least I thought I was until the guys came looking for me. I walked out of the bathroom to find them stood there, looking at me with concern. They both smiled at me and I said 'I think I need to go to bed now'. So at the grand old age of 46 I was put to bed by two wonderful friends. Oh the shame! I think I was about 20 the last time I got put to bed in that state.
Penfold and the Dutchman left me to sleep it off and kept checking on me...bless. They were up early and spreading a nasty rumour about my snoring. I do not snore...honest she says with fingers crossed behind her back! I finally emerged about 11.30 and having been put to bed, I had no idea where the bugger I was. Deppers Bridge is a bit of a maze and I wandered through the house until I finally found Penfold some 10 minutes later. Penfold, heroically fed me tea and water until I felt able to face the shower.
The Dutchman was busy with telecommunications (don't ask) and other things so Penfold and I went into Leamington for lunch. He took me to a place called The Old Library, which is a fabulous community project. There is an Art Gallery and a great vegetarian restaurant. A small but beautifully cooked menu is cooked by wonderful chefs, bizarrely playing Queen tracks, whilst they cook in an open kitchen. Strange but delightful.
I had another spot of retail therapy, this Cornish Muse does not get to the big city very often but enjoyed being in Leamington Spa. It is such a pretty town. Back to Deppers Bridge, where I made a chunky tomato soup for the guys and had a bath. I was feeling a lot better as we departed for The Newbold Comyn Arms to meet a couple of young singers from Folk on The Water, Ellen and Tom. Ellen is a fantastic young talent and is going off to gig in Greece so it was a bit of a farewell do. I'll share a video of her later on this Blog. Check it out as she is going to be huge. We had a great evening with Ellen and Tom, talking about Folk on The Water and Fliss, Ellens sister entertained us with her love life. The Git is in Wales with the folks at the moment and is 'truly, madly, deeply' with Fliss.
It was all too soon time to leave and we said a few tearful farewells. Folk on The Water was such a special time for us all and we are going to do it all again next year.
Take Care out there.
Muse x
Penfold had to go and cut some grass for his Ma so he dropped me off in the middle of Leamington Spa for a spot of retail therapy. Leamington is a beautiful town and I thought about getting my hair done whilst there. Hmmm...for a wash and blow dry I was quoted £26-£41!! Am I a little Cornish Muse or is Leamington a very rich area? Needless to say, I didn't get my hair done. Penfold picked me up and we set off for The Dutchman's pad.
I love Deppers Bridge, it is a really special place. The barbie was lit and the beers opened, the peace and tranquility of Deppers Bridge worked it's Magic as we chilled out, and the fun began. The Tashi sauce certainly invoked some memories. Penfold and the Dutchman were hilarious, telling me that my Tashi sauce was not up to standard as it didn't have any crusty bits around the edge and a big black hair in the middle! Ahhh... the delights of Georges bar - we miss you so much! I had been searching for some Metaxa brandy but had failed miserably. 'Probably just as well' muttered the Dutchman. I had no idea at the time how prophetic his words would be...
These oldies but goodies decided to party and play some loud but decent music. Large amounts of alcohol and good food followed. It was getting chilly so the guys made a command decision to light a fire in the fire pit. Oh! that was so much fun, sat in the dark, grilling Haloumi on sticks over the fire and hiking up the music. The only person missing was Kelly who had gone down to Cornwall. We were drinking wine at this stage and with the atmosphere, fire and great company, it just slipped down...not my fault she says. I decided that a bit of hair fluffing was needed and trying to step out of a fire pit gracefully after a lot of alcohol is not the easiest thing for a girl to do. One forward roll down a grassy bank and the guys completely helpless with laughter followed. Ooops, where did that bank come from! Penfold has taken to calling me 'DangerMuse' ever since...
I was fine in the loo, at least I thought I was until the guys came looking for me. I walked out of the bathroom to find them stood there, looking at me with concern. They both smiled at me and I said 'I think I need to go to bed now'. So at the grand old age of 46 I was put to bed by two wonderful friends. Oh the shame! I think I was about 20 the last time I got put to bed in that state.
Penfold and the Dutchman left me to sleep it off and kept checking on me...bless. They were up early and spreading a nasty rumour about my snoring. I do not snore...honest she says with fingers crossed behind her back! I finally emerged about 11.30 and having been put to bed, I had no idea where the bugger I was. Deppers Bridge is a bit of a maze and I wandered through the house until I finally found Penfold some 10 minutes later. Penfold, heroically fed me tea and water until I felt able to face the shower.
The Dutchman was busy with telecommunications (don't ask) and other things so Penfold and I went into Leamington for lunch. He took me to a place called The Old Library, which is a fabulous community project. There is an Art Gallery and a great vegetarian restaurant. A small but beautifully cooked menu is cooked by wonderful chefs, bizarrely playing Queen tracks, whilst they cook in an open kitchen. Strange but delightful.
I had another spot of retail therapy, this Cornish Muse does not get to the big city very often but enjoyed being in Leamington Spa. It is such a pretty town. Back to Deppers Bridge, where I made a chunky tomato soup for the guys and had a bath. I was feeling a lot better as we departed for The Newbold Comyn Arms to meet a couple of young singers from Folk on The Water, Ellen and Tom. Ellen is a fantastic young talent and is going off to gig in Greece so it was a bit of a farewell do. I'll share a video of her later on this Blog. Check it out as she is going to be huge. We had a great evening with Ellen and Tom, talking about Folk on The Water and Fliss, Ellens sister entertained us with her love life. The Git is in Wales with the folks at the moment and is 'truly, madly, deeply' with Fliss.
It was all too soon time to leave and we said a few tearful farewells. Folk on The Water was such a special time for us all and we are going to do it all again next year.
Take Care out there.
Muse x
Sunday, 1 August 2010
Penfold and Driving.
I am sat at Penfold's laptop after having a lovely couple of days in deepest Wiltshire. He recognized that I was grumpy, spikey and travel weary upon arrival so he made a command decision, dumped my bags and headed into Magic Roundabout land for a Chinese. We were lucky to secure a table at a place called Rendezvous, next to The Wyvern Theatre. It was buzzing with happy, well fed people. I know this as I sneaked a look at the food as we were shown to our table.
The Menu was long and complicated as it's a 'fusion' place. Penfold pointed out that we could have anything we wanted for the paltry sum of £19 per head. I was a little nervous about this as you had to 'finish what you started'. My appetite is a small one ( for food, not life...) and I wondered if I would cope. We ordered four starters. Bloody fantastic food followed and we happily shared them, catching up with each other in a great atmosphere. We ordered another three starters and an appetizer. We enjoyed those too and were satisfied with what we had eaten. We asked for the bill and the waiter said 'No main' with a quizzical look on his face. He could not believe that we finished. Yeah we had finished and enjoyed. I think we made his day!
We spent an enjoyable Saturday together, plodding and eating and drinking lots of lovely wine. Sunday morning arrived, Penfolds plan was to get up early and go to a Car Boot. 'Sure' said I, knowing damn well that an 06.30 start was not or never had been part of my Sunday. Penfold actually slept until 8, seems that I am wearing him out.
We decided to go over to Marlborough for lunch. On the way there we had the 'driving' conversation. I hate being driven. If I wanted to be driven then I would employ a Chauffeur. I am your 'nightmare' passenger and need a strip of gaffer tape upon my mouth, in order to behave. Penfold is a a wonderful, gentle, well mannered guy who drives like a 'Bad Ass'! He has no regard whatsoever for passengers and if he is on his home territory then you are thrown around like a feather in a pillow fight. He is behind the wheel and nothing else matters. Ok, ok, I admit that he is a bloody good driver with excellent reactions but he sometimes forgets that there is someone in the car with him! Also he is a typical bloke as far as direction goes. I have an inherent sense of direction and as a Donut Child, only usually get mis-placed for a mile or two. Donut children do not get lost. Blokes do and from experience (yeah, that's you Dad) I realise that women are much better navigators than men. Luckily Penfold had me as Chief Navigator and we were untouchable.
A stroll around Marlborough and lunch followed. I haven't been in the area for some 24 years. I lived at RAF Upavon with my new husband and it was our first married quarter together. Oh, poor but happy times. Penfold and I finished lunch and he drove me to RAF Upavon, which unbelievably still exists and is looking quite smart. I directed him back, along another road, that I recalled from that time. Why?? can I remember 20 odd years ago so clearly but cannot remember what I had for breakfast? It really has been a trip down memory lane today so thank you for putting up with waspish comments about your driving Penfold and taking me back through that lane.
On the journey back to Penfold's Pad we were talking about the role women play in the armed forces today. My opinion is that women have no business on the front line. A woman is put on this earth to give life, not to take it. It may seem simplistic, but those are the rules of nature. Women have an important role to play in SUPPORT of the front line. That is what they are brilliant at. Multi -tasking , organizing, getting things done and doing them well. Holding a gun, carrying a stupidly heavy pack and running around with blokes who are three stone heavier than you and two foot taller than you is not clever. Penfold disagrees with me. That's fine. He hasn't been in the situation my Uncle has been in. As a States of Jersey Police Officer, he has seen some pretty nasty incidents. He has only ever been injured on duty, whilst being backed up by a five foot nothing, 7 stone female. The facts speak for themselves, I will not apologise for my opinion.
Time for me to lay my head down now. Penfold has fed me with home grown garden vegetables and bandaged my sore foot. I have had a couple of glasses of pink and Penfold is chuckling at Top Gear as we speak. time for bed said Zebedee!
Take Care out there
Muse x
The Menu was long and complicated as it's a 'fusion' place. Penfold pointed out that we could have anything we wanted for the paltry sum of £19 per head. I was a little nervous about this as you had to 'finish what you started'. My appetite is a small one ( for food, not life...) and I wondered if I would cope. We ordered four starters. Bloody fantastic food followed and we happily shared them, catching up with each other in a great atmosphere. We ordered another three starters and an appetizer. We enjoyed those too and were satisfied with what we had eaten. We asked for the bill and the waiter said 'No main' with a quizzical look on his face. He could not believe that we finished. Yeah we had finished and enjoyed. I think we made his day!
We spent an enjoyable Saturday together, plodding and eating and drinking lots of lovely wine. Sunday morning arrived, Penfolds plan was to get up early and go to a Car Boot. 'Sure' said I, knowing damn well that an 06.30 start was not or never had been part of my Sunday. Penfold actually slept until 8, seems that I am wearing him out.
We decided to go over to Marlborough for lunch. On the way there we had the 'driving' conversation. I hate being driven. If I wanted to be driven then I would employ a Chauffeur. I am your 'nightmare' passenger and need a strip of gaffer tape upon my mouth, in order to behave. Penfold is a a wonderful, gentle, well mannered guy who drives like a 'Bad Ass'! He has no regard whatsoever for passengers and if he is on his home territory then you are thrown around like a feather in a pillow fight. He is behind the wheel and nothing else matters. Ok, ok, I admit that he is a bloody good driver with excellent reactions but he sometimes forgets that there is someone in the car with him! Also he is a typical bloke as far as direction goes. I have an inherent sense of direction and as a Donut Child, only usually get mis-placed for a mile or two. Donut children do not get lost. Blokes do and from experience (yeah, that's you Dad) I realise that women are much better navigators than men. Luckily Penfold had me as Chief Navigator and we were untouchable.
A stroll around Marlborough and lunch followed. I haven't been in the area for some 24 years. I lived at RAF Upavon with my new husband and it was our first married quarter together. Oh, poor but happy times. Penfold and I finished lunch and he drove me to RAF Upavon, which unbelievably still exists and is looking quite smart. I directed him back, along another road, that I recalled from that time. Why?? can I remember 20 odd years ago so clearly but cannot remember what I had for breakfast? It really has been a trip down memory lane today so thank you for putting up with waspish comments about your driving Penfold and taking me back through that lane.
On the journey back to Penfold's Pad we were talking about the role women play in the armed forces today. My opinion is that women have no business on the front line. A woman is put on this earth to give life, not to take it. It may seem simplistic, but those are the rules of nature. Women have an important role to play in SUPPORT of the front line. That is what they are brilliant at. Multi -tasking , organizing, getting things done and doing them well. Holding a gun, carrying a stupidly heavy pack and running around with blokes who are three stone heavier than you and two foot taller than you is not clever. Penfold disagrees with me. That's fine. He hasn't been in the situation my Uncle has been in. As a States of Jersey Police Officer, he has seen some pretty nasty incidents. He has only ever been injured on duty, whilst being backed up by a five foot nothing, 7 stone female. The facts speak for themselves, I will not apologise for my opinion.
Time for me to lay my head down now. Penfold has fed me with home grown garden vegetables and bandaged my sore foot. I have had a couple of glasses of pink and Penfold is chuckling at Top Gear as we speak. time for bed said Zebedee!
Take Care out there
Muse x
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