Thursday, 12 August 2010

The Lost Children

After all the fun of the past few weeks it seems a shame to Blog about the serious things in life but despite being a Blondie about technical matters,  I do have a brain. Recent news reports suggest that Parents who kill their children and then go on to commit suicide are becoming more common. This upsets and depresses me. Before I go on, I must just say that there is NO excuse for the actions of these parents.

I was talking to the Mother ship about it today. Apparently men are more likely to do this because their levels of Testosterone make them more aggressive than women.  There have always been women, suffering with a serious form of  Post-Partum Psychosis who kill their babies. Also infanticide is a common, if terrible, consequence of economic hardship within developing countries. In  rural India and China infanticide is practiced as  a result of sex selection among parents. The illegal use of the ultrasound in China is prolific and Wikipedia quotes there may be as many as 40 million missing baby girls.

Killing your offspring is not uncommon in Western Society either. Infanticide is more common among mothers and filicide among fathers. Statistics for the United States show that it ranked eleventh for infants under 1 year killed, and fourth for those killed from the age of 1 through to 14 years old. The research I have done tonight has both horrified and disgusted me. But the point I am trying to make is that acts of infanticide and filicide have been part of our society since Roman times and probably further back.

What we are seeing in Western society is the murder of several offspring at once. A deliberate and devastating act of punishment for the surviving partner. Revenge gone mad. Are we so far gone as a Western society that we are unable cope with the modern world and just snap? Or is it something much deeper and darker that exists within us? A black insanity that hides within us all?  What is it that is making these awful events more prolific? Is it the abuse of alcohol and drugs ? I think that has a lot to do with it. Alcohol is the most damaging of the two. How many times have you seen aggressive behaviour in a drunk.

We must slow down as a society and take a look at ourselves. I am not a subscriber of that adage that America is the 'Free World'.  Maybe I am just getting old but in my life time I have seen our society degenerate, fragment and explode. Spending years as a care worker, on the the road. I have seen the very dregs of human kind.  I have seen some dreadful, frightened people, crawling back to their very primeval roots. People who have abused themselves or others so badly that they are too far gone to save themselves. I know I keep saying it but we do have a slower life style where I live and we benefit immensely from that.

It is a sad reflection of our fragile society that we have to take the most terrible retribution out on those we once loved? I am so sad and feeling so helpless for those children that have been the innocent victims among the age old war of the sexes. Take a moment. Take a deep breath. Pause for a moment and take some time for yourself. Make sure you never ever get caught in that terrible destructive spiral. Indulge your own spirituality, be it organized or personal and look after others.

Take Care out There


Muse x

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