Thursday, 19 August 2010

A Letter to The Donut Kids.

Dear Donut Children

I need your help. I have been writing Donut Child for nearly a year now. I started it last September because of letters/emails I had sent to friends. They all said I should write a book, so Donut Child was my first tentative step towards teaching myself the discipline of regular writing.  I am about as disciplined as an elastic band so it has been helpful,  if a little traumatic at times. It is just as well I don't eat all the pies as I would be done for!

I have to be honest, I wanted to be the next Belle De Jour. I wanted to have that book deal, those film rights and to be as successful as J.K Rowling. I tried the 'salacious' bit, regaling (or boring) you all with my dating disasters. The content gave me so many sleepless nights as I wondered how far to go, who to name, who to give an alias to? How many peoples photos could I nick and post without being slapped with a court order? The other angst was sharing on Face book. Up until now I have only posted each Blog once. There are some people on my wall that shamelessly promote anything they can. I was sniffy about this and said to myself,  if they want to read it they will read it.

Then I had a conversation with an Aunt of mine who gleefully told me that she had been reading it to my 90 something Grandmother. Groan.... This plunged me into a further dilemma and I do admit to cleaning up a bit. I tried to shrug off the image of my lovely nan reading it and hope I have been successful.

Donut child has become a bit of a monster. I know that 100-150 people read each Blog. I am so grateful for your interest whoever you are. I had 1500 hits for the Folk on The Water Blogs which completely stunned me so thank you, all of you.

What do I do now? The numbers are steady, but I have NO followers. I am not having a whinge here, just telling you like it is. I need your help. I need your input. Its lonely Blogging into Cyberspace. Also the more followers I have, the more chance I get of being a Google Blog of Note. Which means they share it with the World and you get thousands of hits.

Can you do me a favour ? At the end of each Blog is a FB/Twitter etc bar. If you click on the B (note to all; I am just giving you the idiots guide - apologies), you can sign in and register with Google and become a Named or Anonymous Follower of Donut Child. You can even comment, be it caustically or constructively.

If you can't be arsed to do that ( I do understand as I can't be arsed to do a lot of things on line as they just make me sigh out loud and put head in hands) then perhaps you can share a link occasionally on FB or Twitter or wherever you like to blow your trumpet. If you can do something to help I would be so grateful.

Enough of my shameless begging. Will post another Donut Child soon.


Muse x

PS I also write two other Blogs which are not yet shared so the writing is going well. Thanks for your support. x

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