I have been thinking...yeah I know, a bit of a dangerous occupation! Through my Blogging and the Great God FB, I have met so many fabulous, endearing, arrogant, self serving, bewildering, humbling and amazing Human Beings that I have to talk about Random Acts of Kindness.
I have been grumpy of late and only managing to feel happy when the sun is shining. Perhaps I have become so insular that I have forgotten that giving is so much more satisfying than receiving. I started a new note book today. I can no longer write longhand, due to the fecking arm but can manage to keep a small book by my bed and scribble in it. I flicked through the old one. RAK's are mentioned. I have managed to hold a door open, give someone parking money, stop for someone who has broken down and lend someone my mobile.... Bland and Boring! I also leave books that I have read, on bus stops, in phone boxes and in restaurants/cafes. I delude myself, thinking that if I leave books in odd places, I may be encouraging people to read. Durr....
My other talent is feeding people. I usually go to my Hairdresser at teatime on a Thursday, when they are open until 9pm. I like to take them some 'tea'. It is called "Open Bribery and Corruption". Treat all Hairdressers, Window Cleaners and Nurses with great respect and you are guaranteed a good experience.
It seems to me that I must UP my game. I am dissatisfied with my life and despite searching the Net for a great 'RAKer', I can only find the likes of Bill Gates or some sickly sweet American sites, boasting of bland RAKs. Failing that I am overwhelmed by organized religious sites. Shiver! I wanted to give you stories of inspiration and hope but the only person I can think of is my mother. She is fondly known to us as Hyacinth (Mrs Bouquet). Look it up readers outside the UK....
My mother is a force to be reckoned with. My first memory of her RAK personality is at the age of nine. A child was hiding behind her skirts, whilst his mother yelled that she would kill him as he had cut all the heads off her beloved tulips with a pair of scissors. Oops! My mum had 4 kids under the age of five at one point and was always such a sweet and forgiving person.
My next tangle with her RAK mind was sitting at the dinner table on Christmas Day at the age of 17, whilst she searched the streets for someone worthy to share our Christmas Dinner with. She arrived back with a 'Gentleman of The Road'. He proceeded to eat his food, drink us dry and peed on his seat. I was (as a teenager) disgusted! This Christmas tradition continued and one Christmas I found myself in the passenger seat beside her. I think this was much more due to me trying to upset and bait my father, rather than doing a good deed. Oh! the years of the 'Gents of The Road' were great! The best Christmas I ever witnessed was when we were invited to a posh drinks party at the nauseating 'K's house. Put it this way, the daughter was probably doing her dad and I suspect her husband was doing her mum! The said 'Gent of The Road' was utterly blasted and gave us all quite a good show - oh... and he peed on their sofa - triffic!
My mother, did actually manage to open my mind and if I cook Christmas Dinner I am happy to get into the car and find someone having a crap time and bring them back. My mum is one of the great RAKers of life and continues to be so. I am not going to do Christmas with the Family this year. I am going to volunteer somewhere and probably have a better day than you. Blimey, that all sounds a bit patronising doesn't it? Nah, no prisoners taken here - just time I upped my game, thats all.
If any of you have a RAK you want to share then please do, because I am all out of ideas! The bigger the better folks....
Up to You.
Muse x
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