Saturday, 21 May 2011

The Rapture

Yeah I know - TWO posts in a day! I have buggered up. I forgot all about 'The Rapture'. You are all quite able to look it up yourselves. I only know about this stuff as a few weeks ago I happened upon a book. I will not give you the title as it is just a nasty piece of Pentecostal Propoganda and you really don't want to know. I glanced at the back of it and I mean 'glanced' and thought 'mmm, sounds like a good Sci-Fi tale to me'. Got home and three chapters in realised it was a piece of shit. I don't really care who I offend, most of those that know me understand that I have no patience with organized religion.

Put it this way. Put 300 people in a big plane, stick it in a nose dive and count how many pray to God, Allah, Buddah, Ganesh...etc..etc. It is ingrained in us all, no matter how brave we are, how we do not believe. Our society has ensured that during our darkest moments we pray to the shining star in the sky. But this 'Rapture' stuff is a different ball game. Apparently all the good people of this world will be taken up to Heaven at 6pm tonight - does not matter what timeline you are on, that's neat isn't it! What this means is the great and the good will disappear, leaving their clothing behind and the rest of us baddies will stay and face the terrible music.

How arrogant, irritating and hideous. There is no peace in terror, no love in rules and no bravery in shoving organized religion up our arses. Yep this Donut Child just grew teeth.

Pray to your God Quietly, Meditate in your Soul Respectfully, Enjoy your Dreams Blissfully and be at Peace.

Just don't shove it in my face or I may bite...hard!


Muse x


  1. I quite like the idea of everyone else disapearing - especially if it leaves me to 'root' through their stuff - I am so shallow !!!


  2. Shame you posted this 'Anon'. Of course I know damn well who you are and when the dust settles I may just do a Blog about what the 'Survivors' of The Rapture got up to - it may just outsell the Famous Five! Love You J, you naughty delightful girl! xxx
