Monday, 2 May 2011

Royal Weddings and Grumpiness.

The week before The Royal Wedding (hereafter known as TRW) hacked me off. The Media speculation as to what may or may not happen made me grumpy. I don't mind a bit of a Royal Knees Up, after all I am a Brit and am very proud of our Queen. Charlie and Camilla can bugger off as far as I am concerned - puppets of the establishment, hedonistic and arrogant.

I never really got to grips with the Nations worship of Princess Di? I didn't get all the howling and National grief thing when she tragically died. Nice Sloany girl, fed to a pair of lions named Charlie and Camilla like a sacrifice. I felt sorry for her, desperately sorry and was sad that she had, had to cope with some seriously nasty people, in order to survive. Still, she knew what she was doing with the Press and used them to her own advantage. It all got a bit 'Dynasty' there for a few years.

After the week of Media frenzy, prior to TRW I had, had enough. I got very little sleep the night before and popped a sleeping pill at 4am in desperation. I stuck the duvet over my head and slept blissfully through the whole thing. Bad Muse! My mother phoned me at about 4pm, asking my opinion of the dress etc. As I had just crawled out of the shower, I mumbled that I loved the dress etc... not having seen a damn thing!

At this point I thought I had better switch on the box and catch up with all things Royal and gushing Media Shite! All my preconceptions were shot down in flames and I did have a tear or two as he said 'You look beautiful' to her as she stood beside him at the altar. My faith in Romance has been restored. William must have known that his words would be read but it seems he was determined to make it their day as well as the Nations. Good luck to them, they will need it.

I have just watched a film called The Young Victoria. I thoroughly enjoyed it as was in the mood for a bit of a Costume Flick. It has sat in my DVD collection for the last 6 months and it finally got dusted off tonight. Now there was a Royal Court to be bloody scared of. Victoria must have been a very strong woman to go through what she did. Her accession to the throne was difficult to say the least but after 9 children and a reign of 63 years and 216 days, she became our longest serving British Monarch. Our own Queen is a close second at 59 years and 84 days. Interestingly Charlie has recently become the longest serving king-in-waiting in British history.

Seems there is a god after all!

Be Careful out there.

Muse x

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